Page 5 - AIT0120_Urbino
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            Die Flure des Collegio Aquilone (16) weiten sich immer wieder zu kleinen „Plätzen“ und Gemeinschaftsflächen.

            Im großen Hörsaal des Collegio La Vela (17) sitzen die Studenten auf frei beweglichen Klappsesseln.  Im Rundbau des Collegio Tridente (18) befindet sich die Mensa. Mehr als 1.000 Studenten haben hier Platz.

            The Baroque Oratorio consists of an accumulation of different chapels and prayer  ding, sensitively composed to harmoniously integrate the slope, accommodates lec-
            rooms. The architectural highlight of the complex is an artificial grotto with an enchan-  ture halls, common rooms and a small cafeteria on various levels. The building opens
            ting nativity scene by the sculptor Federico Brandani. After the visit we leave the old  up to the outside via various terraces and connects to the grounds. A complex system
            town, which is surrounded by the mighty fortification walls of Francesco di Giorgio  of stairs, paths and small open spaces provides access to the concentrically arranged
            Martini, heading north. On Via Bonconte da Montefeltro you will find both the Istituto  student apartments, which blend organically into the hillside landscape below the
            D'Arte (10) and the Quartiere Pineta (11), two buildings by de Carlo from the late  main building. The system of differences in level and differentiated spatial levels in-
            1960s and early 1970s. The art school is designed as a gigantic hill house. The studios  troduced in the exterior is continued in the interiors of the individual apartments,
            and workshops are arranged in terraces on both sides of the central access core and  which are each designed for up to eight students. In its entirety, the complex still con-
            are connected visually and acoustically by a shared void. The residential complex on  veys the image of a small, romantic mountain village – made of brick and concrete.
            the opposite side of the street, in turn, consists of three enormous residential building  The Collegio del Colle established the fame of the architect. In 1966, the members of
            slabs rising up to ten storeys high, which grow out of the steeply sloping terrain and  Team X, of which de Carlo himself was a member, met here. Among them were Doshi,
            extend far into the landscape. They are accessed at ground level via the roof areas.  van Eyck, Hertzberger, Hollein and Ungers. Collegio del Colle was followed in related
            After the tour, we spend the evening in our house on the vineyard.       form by Collegio Serpentine (15), Collegio Aquilone (16), Collegio La Vela (17) and
                                                                          Collegio Tridente (18). Together they now provide accommodation for more than
            Sunday: A visit to de Carlo's university city                 1,000 students. The complex also houses various lecture halls and study rooms, a large
                                                                          canteen and a small library, all of which are loosely grouped between the different re-
            r 10.00 a.m. – Our stay at Ca' Romanino ends after 24 hours. As a new accommodation  sidential units. In addition, de Carlo designed an almost infinite number of communal
            for the second night, Hotel San Domenico (12), opposite the Palazzo Ducale in the  areas, both inside and outside the various building sections. Wherever the possibility
            heart of the old town, or the small, fine Agriturismo of Maria Teresa Loschi, the Ca'  arose to add a forecourt to a corridor or to create an exit to the open and a small ter-
            Andreana (13), just outside Urbino are recommended. The property impresses with  race, de Carlo made use of it. Consequently, one afternoon is hardly enough to explore
            large, tastefully furnished rooms, a wonderful pool and the excellent culinary creations  all the public areas, all the intricate ramps, stairs, paths and paths of the Collegio.
            of the landlady. In the evening, the hotel's restaurant is also open to the public.     r 4.00 pm – In the late afternoon we head back to the city; we urgently need some
            r 12.00 pm – Our first destination of the day is a visit of de Carlos legendary university  souvenirs. We make a find in the underground Porta Santa Lucia shopping centre
            town in the southwest of Urbino. It was built in stages over a period of 20 years, star-  (19). It was built around 2010 according to the plans of the architectural firm Interstu-
            ting in the early 1960s, and forms a unique ensemble of critical regionalism, as it de-  dio from Pesaro and – in order not to impair the silhouette of the historic old town – is
            veloped in the first post-war decades as a counter-movement to the increasingly dog-  hidden inconspicuously in the city's northern slope. After shopping, the Olly Bar (20)
            matic modernism of the Athens Charter. It all began with the Collegio del Colle (14),  is our last stop of our weekend trip. It is located in a small park on the top of the ea-
            which was built between 1962 and 1966 at the highest point of the site. The main buil-  stern hill and allows us to enjoy a last, breath-taking panorama of the city.

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