Page 4 - AIT0120_Urbino
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Das Collegio del Colle (14) machte de Carlo weltberühmt. Es gleicht einem Bergdorf aus Backstein und Beton.

             Im Collegio del Colle (14) traf sich 1966 das Team X, um über die Zukunft der Architektur nachzudenken.   Bis zu acht Studenten leben auf den Splitlevels in den Apartments des Collegio Serpentine (15) zusammen.

             O   ver the centuries, four men have decisively shaped the modern appearance of  Right next to the palace rises Palazzo Bonaventura. It accommodates the central ad-
                                                                           ministration of the university (3). The refurbishment of the historic building and its
                 Urbino: In the 15th century, it was the legendary Renaissance prince Federico
             da Montrefeltro, nicknamed "The Light of Italy", and his fortress builder Francesco  conversion for administrative purposes in the 1950s was the first collaboration bet-
             di Giorgio Martini who gave the city that extends over two hills its monumental  ween Carlo Bo and Giancarlo de Carlo. Adjoining along Via Aurelio Saffi are the buil-
             shape; in the 20th century, the almighty university rector Carlo Bo and architect Gi-  dings of the Faculty of Teacher Training, Facoltà di Magistero (4), the Faculty of Eco-
             ancarlo de Carlo joined forces to transform and further develop the historic seat of  nomics, Facoltà di Economia (5), and the Faculty of Law, Facoltà di Legge (6). All
             power into a modern university city. For more than two decades, the Renaissance  three institutions were built between the 1960s and 1990s according to plans drawn
             city has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site and, thanks to the university, half of its  up by de Carlo as conversions and extensions to existing buildings. In many cases the
             population is now made up of students and professors. This mixture gives the city  architect left the historical façades unchanged, while completely new spatial contexts
             its special charm and atmosphere!                             were in some cases created inside, for example to incorporate large, multi-storey lec-
                                                                           ture halls. The most beautiful place within this ensemble is the green roof terrace of
             Saturday: A walk through the Unesco city                      the "Magistero" with its majestic view of the hilly landscape stretching in the south of
                                                                           the city. The glass roof, which rises in the shape of a chalice and surrounds the terrace
             r 10.00 a.m. – Our first stop is a vineyard located seven kilometres north of the city.  in a semicircle, directs daylight right into the Aula Magna, which is located deep un-
             Here, in 1968, Giancarlo de Carlo built an extraordinary weekend house in the style  derground. The Istituto Superiore per le Industrie Artistiche (7), the city's design
             of New Brutalism, which was commissioned by philosophy professor Livio Sichirollo  school, is also located in the immediate vicinity of the university buildings. It is ac-
             and his wife Sonia Morra. The complex spatial structure of the house gives a first fo-  commodated in an old Renaissance monastery, which was built according to the plans
             retaste of the university buildings the architect implemented in Urbino. For some  of Francesco di Giorgio Martini, but was never completed. The gardens of the old mo-
             years now Ca' Romanino (1) has been owned by a foundation that rents the house  nastery, bordered on three sides by loggia galleries, which you can only find in the la-
             to architecture enthusiasts for 24 hours at a time (see AIT 12/2019). It will be our ac-  byrinthine complex of buildings if you are looking for it, are the ideal place for a short
             commodation for the first night!                              break or a picnic. Except for a few students, nobody disturbs the peace and quiet; tou-
             r 12.00 pm – After we have taken possession of the house, we head for Palazzo Du-  rists rarely get lost here! For those who like their stay to be more exciting and noisier,
             cale (2), the ducal palace that dominates the old town on the eastern hill of Urbino.  I recommend a snack at Caffè Degli Archi (8). Here, you can sit behind impressive ar-
             From the uppermost balcony of the famous double tower façade, Federico da Montre-  cades, which give the café its name, and relax while watching the hustle and bustle
             feltro overlooked his realm. The whole building was designed with this view of his  on Piazza della Repubblica.
             realm in mind. The most impressive interior of the building, in turn, is the Duke's stu-  r 4.00 pm – After a light refreshment, our next destination is the Oratorio di San Giu-
             diolo, which is completely covered with wood inlays with representations in linear  seppe (9). It hides in the narrow and steep alleys winding up and down the western
             perspective. It is one of the most spectacular interiors dating from the Renaissance!  hill. The merchants and craftsmen of the city used to live here; Raphael was born here!

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