Page 5 - AIT0114_Stuttgart
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Stuttgart                                                     NOCH MEHR STUTTGART-TIPPS
                                    Sitz der AIT Redaktion: Leinfelden-Echterdingen Innovativ: Der 1956 eröffnete Fernsehturm war der weltweit
                                                                                                  r ESSEN •
                                    Erste seiner Art – konstruiert vom Stuttgarter Ingenieur Prof. Dr. Fritz Leonhardt. Derzeit ist der 216,61 Meter
                                    hohe Turm leider wegen mangelnden Brandschutzes geschlossen. Studienmöglichkeiten für Architektur:  Bella Italia, Vogelsangstraße 18, 70176 Stuttgart
                                    Hochschule für Technik, Universität, Kunstakademie für Innenarchitektur: Hochschule für Technik   (Entwurf: Ippolito Fleitz Group, Stuttgart)
                                                                                                  Noir Cuisine & Bar, Tübinger Straße 92, 70178 Stuttgart
                                                                                                  (Entwurf: Raumspielkunst, Stuttgart)
                                                                                                  Restaurant Smøgen, Katharinenstraße 21B, 70182 Stuttgart
                S  tuttgart fluctuates between being provincial and    as Lá Pour Lá (12), a platform for fashion, design, art and  (Entwurf: Marc Müller, studierte Architektur, ist jetzt Koch in Stuttgart)
                                                         music. In the upper part of Königstraße on a side street
                   cosmopolitan. In the midst of green areas one can
                discover exciting cultural institutions, architectural sur-  to the right is Kauf dich glücklich (13). A must is the mar-
                prises and a diversified night life – all best done on foot  ket hall (14), built by Martin Elsässer in 1914. Plenty of  Trattoria Tabano, Silberburgstraße 62b, 70176 Stuttgart
                or by bicycle. Each quarter has its own charm. My  treats to smell, buy and taste. Merz & Benzing (15) offers  (Entwurf: Alexander Brenner Architekten)
                favourite is the western district: Densely developed, with  everything concerning living and furnishing. At the end of
                                                                                                  r TRINKEN •
                short routes and everything one needs for everyday liv-  the pedestrian zone we reach the Gerberviertel with nice
                ing. Away from the valley basin, the slopes become  cafés, bars and stores such as Ave Anziehsachen (16).
                                                                                                  Bar FouFou, Cocktail- und Champagnerbar, Leonhardstraße 13, 70182
                steeper but as a reward one can enjoy the most marvel-
                                                                                                  Stuttgart (Entwurf: Ippolito Fleitz Group, Stuttgart)
                lous views from here! As a new arrival, I like living in  7.30 p.m. • After an aperitif in the Fleck & Schneck coffee
                Stuttgart and meeting friendly and reliable people. Not a  bar (17) at the Tagblattturm, we continue on to the Risto -  BIX Jazzclub, Leonhardsplatz 28, 70182 Stuttgart
                trace of Swabian stubbornness!           rante Perbacco (18), designed by the Stuttgart Ohlf  (Entwurf: Bottega + Erhardt Architekten, Stuttgart)
                                                         Schoch Architekten and offering excellent Italian cuisine.
                                                                                                  Suite212, Theodor-Heuss-Straße 15, 70174 Stuttgart
                Saturday: Starting the weekend with coffee    For those who prefer Swabian/French cuisine, on the
                                                                                                  (Entwurf: Bottega + Erhardt Architekten, Stuttgart)
                                                         other hand, we recommend the Goldener Adler (19).
                9 a.m. • We start our weekend tour with a coffee and a
                                                                                                  r EINKAUFEN •
                croissant in the Hölderlin coffee barn (1), a charming  9.30 p.m. • Back at the station, we enjoy a nightcap at
                small bar in the western part of Stuttgart. From here we  the Superschanke (20), a former petrol station!  kertu – styling and fashion, jörg straßburger, Dorotheenstraße 4, 70173
                take “Stäffele”, old stone steps formerly leading through                         Stuttgart
                the vineyards, to the top of Killesberg. For a great view, it  Midnight • There are several luxury and standard hotels
                is worth stopping over before arriving there and climbing  in Stuttgart. But whoever wants to meet a colourful mix  Mannsdörfer GmbH, Schlafen, Leben, Wohnen, Solitudestraße 223
                                                                                                  70499 Stuttgart-Weilimdorf
                up the 92 steps of the Bismarckturm (2) – designed by  of people and likes to stay in the centre with a view, is
                architect Wilhelm Kreis. The tower had been donated in  recommended to try the youth hostel (21) in Stuttgart.
                                                                                                  MRQT Store, Paulinenstraße 44, 70178 Stuttgart
                1904 by the students of the then Technische Hochschule
                                                                                                  (Entwurf: ROK Rippmann Oesterle Knauss GmbH)
                in honour of the statesman Bismarck and use as a reser-  Sunday: Today, we are going to leave the centre
                voir. On the panorama track, the Bonatzweg, we then                               Sichtbar, Sophienstraße 15, 70178 Stuttgart
                walk past the Theodor-Heuss Haus (3) from the 1950s  10 a.m. • We start the day with a Zimt & Zucker break-  (Entwurf: 2b stratégies urbaines concrètes, CH-Lausanne)
                de signed by architect Theo A. Karbiener. In that area  fast (22) and especially enjoy the fresh pancakes in an
                stands also the Porsche Villa planned by Paul Bonatz,  almost homely atmosphere.
                                                                                                  Weinhandlung Kreis & Krämer, Dorotheenstraße 2, 70173 Stuttgart
                and the listed Diplomatensiedlung (4), designed in 1952
                                                                                                  (Entwurf: Furch Gestaltung + Produktion, Stuttgart)
                by architect Werner Gabriel.             11 a.m. • Well fortified, we now walk to the Staatsgalerie
                                                         (23). The expansion, completed in 1984 and designed by
                                                                                                  Studiotique, Schlosserstraße 17, 70180 Stuttgart
                12:30 p.m. • Hunger finally leads us in the direction of  British architect James Stirling, is considered to be an
                the old exhibition grounds in the Killesberghöhe district  icon of postmodernism. The striking green pastille floor  r KULTUR •
                (5) with buildings by KCAP, Baumschlager Eberle, David  in the entrance area has now been replaced and once
                Chipperfield and Ortner & Ortner Baukunst. Elegant,  more shines in its full colour.   Akademie Schloss Solitude, Solitude 3, 70197 Stuttgart
                unobtrusive design and a relaxed but upscale cuisine
                await us in Scholz am Park (6) by Studio Scholz in  11 am. • Although we are reluctant to leave the centre of
                                                                                                  Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, Kleiner Schlossplatz 13, 70173 Stuttgart
                Stuttgart. Those who prefer a sandwich or a butter pret-  Stuttgart, a visit to the Mercedes Benz Museum (24)
                                                                                                  (Entwurf: Hascher Jehle Architektur, Berlin)
                zel will feel at home at the other end of the district in  designed by UNStudio is highly recommended. The route
                the Treiber bakery (7) – lovingly designed by our office.  meanders down through the exhibition planned by
                Well nourished, one can thereafter wander through  Architektur- und Museumsgestaltungsbüro HG Merz.    Killesbergturm, Höhenpark Killesberg, Stresemannstraße, 70192 Stuttgart
                Fleiner internationale Einrichtungen (8).                                         (Entwurf: Jörg Schlaich, Ingenieur, Stuttgart)
                                                         3 p.m. • Not far from the museum is the funeral chapel
                2 p.m. • In the immediate vicinity is the famous Werk -  on Württemberg (25). The classicist building was de -
                                                                                                  Porsche-Museum, Porscheplatz 1, 70435 Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen
                bundsiedlung Weißenhof, built under the direction of  signed by the Italian architect Giovanni Battista Salucci
                                                                                                  (Entwurf: Delugan Meissl Associated Architects, Wien)
                Mies van der Rohe. There we visit the Weißenhof  and commissioned by King Wilhelm I. It is held to be an
                Museum (9) in the large Le Corbusier Haus and the  everlasting token of the king’s love of his wife who had
                Architekturgalerie am Weißenhof (10) with changing  died young. From here, one can enjoy a sweeping view  Turmforum Bahnprojekt Stuttgart–Ulm, Im Hauptbahnhof, Arnulf-Klett-
                exhibitions in the Peter Behrens Haus. Not to be missed:  of the Neckar Valley and stroll through the vineyards.   Platz 2, 70173 Stuttgart
                the Stuttgart Kunstakademie (11).                                       
                                                         5 p.m. • To end the trip, we return to the centre of the
                                                                                                  Wechselraum, Bund Deutscher Architekten, Zeppelin-Carré, Friedrichstr. 5,
                5 p.m. • For a shopping spree, we take the U-Bahn, get  city – for a delicious piece of cake in one of Stuttgart’s
                                                                                                  70174 Stuttgart
                off at the train station and stroll down Königstraße. But  classic locations: The Café Stella (26) has been in exis-
                careful, the best shops are found in the side streets, such  tence since 1984.

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