Page 99 - AIT1223_E-Paper
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Entwurf • Design Bez + Kock Architekten, Stuttgart
                                                                                    Bauherr • Client Gemeinde Holzwickede
                                                                                    Standort • Location Allee 5, Holzwickede
                                                                                    Nutzfläche • Floor space 5503 m 2
                                                                                    Fotos • Photos Brigida González, Stuttgart
                                                                                    Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 126

                                                                                    TOWN HALL

                                                                                    IN HOLZWICKEDE

                                                                                    Built in the year 1915, the town hall in Holzwickede, North
                                                                                    Rhine-Westphalia, was not only extensively renovated
                                                                                    and restructured. The extension allowed the available
                                                                                    space to be increased to such an extent that all functional
                                                                                    areas could finally be accommodated. Bez + Kock Archi-
                                                                                    tekten also ensured that the meanwhile lost atmospheric
                                                                                    qualities of the old building could be experienced again.

                                                                                    T   he town hall in Holzwickede listed as a monument had long since
                                                                                        run out of space. Several functions had to be relocated to other
                                                                                    premises which, unfortunately, were scattered around the town. Thanks
                                                                                    to the newly designed extension, they have now been centralized again.
                                                                                    These days, there is plenty of space: an additional 3,500 square metres
                                                                                    have been added to the almost 2,000 square metres of gross floor space
                                                                                    in the historic building. The conversion project, which has reached com-
                                                                                    pletion this spring, was the result of a competition that had been held
                                                                                    in 2017 and which was won by Bez + Kock Architekten. At the time, the
                                                                                    jury was impressed by their proposal to add a three-storey, L-shaped
                                                                                    volume to the old building, which encloses the existing building on two
             Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan                              sides but, at the same time, successfully blends into the overall situation
                                                                                    as a restrained structure. The competition design did not promise too
                                                                                    much: the built result shows how the venerable old building remains
                                                                                    recognizable as a solitary structure and becomes part of a larger whole.
                                                                                    Its centrepiece is a central foyer: the old and new parts of the town
                                                                                    hall are positioned around a covered inner courtyard. Skylights with
                                                                                    sculpturally modelled walls provide an attractive incidence of daylight.
                                                                                    The inviting atmosphere created in this way is important, as the foyer
                                                                                    serves as a citizens’ hall, contact point for the citizens’ service, central
                                                                                    communication point and also as a kind of museum hall in which the
                                                                                    historic town hall itself is exhibited. The clinker brick façades of the
                                                                                    new building communicate with the colours of the old building. Oak
                                                                                    wood complements the deliberately simple range of materials chosen
                                                                                    for the annex. A glazed entrance area elegantly mediates between the
                                                                                    two parts of the building. The question of access was cleverly solved: a
                                                                                    new open staircase in the hall provides an attractive meeting place. The
                                                                                    once dead-end corridors of the historic town hall were opened up and
                                                                                    extended. The result is a circular access system that fulfils both functio-
                                                                                    nal and aesthetic tasks. Today, employees and visitors can move from
                                                                                    new to old and vice versa on several levels, experiencing the historical
             Grundriss 2. Obergeschoss • Floor plan level +2                        details from completely new angles and an unusual proximity.

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