Page 42 - AIT1223_E-Paper
P. 42


                                                                         r You have also been a member of the Executive Board of the Architects’ Council of
                                                                         Europe (ACE) from 2016 to 2021. Since 2022, you have been the honorary president
                                                                         of this non-profit organization, which represents more than 600,000 architects
                                                                         from 35 European countries. What exactly does the ACE advocate and what are
                                                                         your primary tasks?
                                                                         The aims of the ACE are to promote the importance and the value of architecture in the
                                                                         interests of the common good for a high quality of life in urban and rural areas and
                                                                         to ensure the highest standards in education and practice. In doing so, we promote the
                                                                         cross-border practice of our profession within the EU and beyond it. The ACE supports
                                                                         the European institutions through cooperation and provides research results, knowledge
                                                                         and expertise. Much can only be done together: The way we inhabit and manage our
                                                                         planet has a devastating impact on the climate and on the biodiversity. We consume
                                                                         huge amounts of land, raw materials and fossil fuels and generate unimaginable amounts
                                                                         of greenhouse-gas emissions and waste. Furthermore, in our cities we are all too often
           Foto: Hertiga for the Future                                  experiencing a decline in the quality of our built environment, which is reflected in a

                                                                         trivialization of construction, a lack of design values and the decay of historic building
                                                                         fabric and building culture. Urgent and important action is therefore needed to be taken at
                                                                         all levels of government and in the construction sector as well. We really need to act now
           Ruth Schagemann ist viel unterwegs: Als Speaker von Heritage for the Future in der Pariser Nationalbibliothek oder ...  to change the way our living environment is being planned, built, maintained, refurbished,
                                                                         managed and regulated.  We simply have to adopt an attitude that comprehensively
                                                                         promotes the common good and the quality of life and places people and nature at the
                                                                         centre of all spatial and urban developments.
              „Die Berufsanerkennungsrichtlinie setzt die                r In what form should these goals be realized?
              Mindestvoraussetzungen fest, unter denen                   This is where we as architects, interior designers, landscape architects and urban planners
                                                                         come into play, because we are the agents of change who have the necessary knowledge,
               wir in Europa unseren Beruf automatisch                   expertise  and  experience  in  that  respect.  My  term  of  office  began  at  the  end  of  the
             gegenseitig anerkennen. Deswegen ist diese                  pandemic, one month before the outbreak of war in Ukraine and at the beginning of a new
                                                                         culture of reconstruction. In this environment, successes are difficult to measure, but I can
                         Richtlinie sehr wertvoll.”                      still give you a selection of examples. The ACE has awoken from its “pandemic slumber”.
                                                                         The executive board, member organizations and all the various delegates are very active
                              Ruth Schagemann                            in working together and getting involved. As a result, we are learning from each other and

                                                                         are able to make this experience play a part in politics.
                                                                         r You also campaigned for the Ukrainian architects and colleagues immediately
           ... in Edinburgh mit den ACE-PräsidentInnen aus Schottland, Großbritannien, Irland, Wales und Nordirland  after the outbreak of war in the spring of 2022 ...
                                                                         That is correct, one week after the outbreak of war, I advocated in the European Parliament
                                                                         that we immediately include our Ukrainian colleagues in our discussions and funding
                                                                         programmes. This can show how strongly the values of the New European Bauhaus
                                                                         can take effect. Our Ukrainian colleagues have asked us to help them develop ideas,
                                                                         legislations and planning tools for the reconstruction of Ukraine. And we have been doing
                                                                         this intensively right from the start. The activities culminate in the EU-funded UREHERIT
                                                                         project under the leadership of my Lithuanian colleague on the Board, Ruta Leitanaite. The
                                                                         project is able to greatly promote ACE activities if everyone who is involved is committed to
                                                                         ensuring that the rich cultural heritage is seen as a resource for sustainable cultural, social,
                                                                         ecological and economic revitalization. At the same time, given the destruction of war, it
                                                                         must be possible to overcome the challenges of preserving, redefining and emphasizing
                                                                         national and local cultural identity.

                                                                         r  In  January,  you  represented  the  ACE  at  the  Davos  Baukultur  Alliance  2023
                                                                         conference of culture ministers, which aims to promote building culture in Europe ...
                                                                         This is right, because the promotion of building culture in Europe and internationally
                                                                         plays an important role, as it is effectively about investing in a high-quality living
                                                                         environment for all. The Davos Declaration of 2018 forms the basis on  which the
                                                                         Baukultur movement  will continue in terms of academic content and strategic
                                                                         political direction. At the same time, the movement advocates at a political level for
                                                                         the implementation of strategies that recognize the cultural aspects of conservation,
                                                                         planning  and building  and  establish  Baukultur  as  a  political  priority.  The  Davos
                                                                         Baukultur process brings together these diverse international initiatives. In this, it is
                                                                         important to discuss this topic not only within the circle of European culture ministers,
           Foto: ACE                                                     among whom there is already broad agreement, but also to extend it to other policy
                                                                         areas. This includes the representatives of civil society and of the private sector.

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