Page 39 - AIT1220_E-Paper
P. 39

r Mr Oefelein, nine years is a long time. In retrospect, how do you assess and  first ambition was to register as an architect in Western Australia. This required in-
              feel about your work at Hassell in Perth?                    tensive studies, followed by an examination and an interview. After I had received
              When I look back now, I primarily remember the creative people I had the pleasure  my certificate and worked in an office for some time, I was able to establish myself
              of working with. Hassell was an exciting place to work! This is because there is a very  there. I had built up some good working relationships and expanded my local prac-
              strong culture of collaboration and the explicit aim of designing places that people  tical knowledge in a relatively short time. The registration as an architect and my in-
             like to visit. This philosophy is implemented in all branch offices, in every project and  ternational experience gained in Berlin and London were respected by my colleagues
             at every stage of design, regardless of the type or scale of a commission. This is the  and I was given opportunities to work on several projects. Soon I was asked to head
              reason why Hassell is so successful. Good design is, of course, always important, but  the design development and contract management of a commercial, residential and
              it is equally important to give new places added value in social, cultural and econo-  urban renewal project in Karratha. This first project gave me the opportunity to prac-
              mic terms. An architecture firm like Hassell is not only about design, it also is about  tice both team leadership and project management. Shortly after completion, I was
             building positive relationships with people inside and outside the office. Hassell has  promoted to associate and other projects were entrusted to me.
             made very convincing contributions to many communities with this approach.
                                                                           r What were the most important projects that you were able to supervise and be
             r Allow us an insight into the working routines and atmosphere at Hassell in  responsible for in the architectural office?
             Perth!                                                        Two projects in particular come to my mind. On the one hand, the Karratha quarter
             The studio in Perth employs around 90 people in the fields of architecture, landsca-  just mentioned, and on the other hand Ezone. I took over the Karratha project
             ping, urban planning and interior design. The employees mainly come from Europe,  after the building permit was granted. It was my job to work with the team of
             Asia and Australia. The architecture teams are divided into areas of knowledge —  consultants, prepare the contract documentation and then supervise the construc-
              housing, education, health, transport and commerce, but there is frequent overlap.  tion work on site. For me, it was not so much about the design concept but rather
             The Perth office is located in the heart of the city, in a busy shopping centre. There  about building relationships with a wider project team and controlling the imple-
             is always a buzz of activity right on the doorstep. The studio is located on the first  mentation of the project objectives for the client. Karratha has very high temperatu-
             floor of the historic Commonwealth Bank building and was renovated by Hassell in  res. It was extremely hot and dusty on location. The days were long, each one like
             2016. The old wooden parquet flooring and high columns and ceilings create a cat-  a marathon. Yet it was very rewarding to see how the city centre was transformed.
             hedral-like atmosphere and a very comfortable working environment.  The second project, Ezone — a new student centre for the University of Western
                                                                           Australia (UWA) — was completed this year. I spent several years working on this
             r Please describe your professional development in Australia — from intern to as-  project with David Gulland, director at Hassell, from the design phase to construc-
             sociate!                                                      tion. It was a great opportunity to work with many creative people. The project
             After working for Sprunt and Hawkins\Brown in London, I move to Australia and joi-  represents a new gateway to the campus and is an expression of the art of enginee-
             ned Hassell in Perth. At first everything was completely unfamiliar in Australia. My  ring and inspired learning.

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