Page 48 - AIT1219_E-Paper
P. 48


               Ein langer, schmaler Gang führt ins Erdgeschoss (l.). Quer darüber liegt eine Brücke, die das Obergeschoss erschließt (r.). • A long, narrow hallway leads to the ground floor (l.). A bridge above leads to the upper level (r).

               Zwei rote Kamine sind das Markenzeichen des Hauses. • Two red fireplaces are a signature feature.  Vor dem eingestellten Arbeitszimmer liegt eine Terrasse. • Terrace in front of the inserted study.

               ween the architect and his clients. And Maria Giulia, our guide, confirms that the archi-  continued inside the house. Five different staircase situations can be found in the
               tect himself was often a guest in the house. Understanding his building is not easy, even  large living room alone: From the dining area, two red steel staircases lead up to the
               on site. De Carlo created a highly complex spatial structure whose design was influen-  two large bedrooms of the owners. A concrete staircase winds around the fireplace,
               ced by numerous framework conditions.                         connecting the dining area with the lower living room. Iron bars embedded in the wall
                                                                             can be used to climb up into the deep reveals of the windows of the upstairs living
               It takes more than 24 hours to understand the house           room. And behind a sliding door, a steep concrete ladder connects the living room with
                                                                             the adjoining guest wing. Here, four narrow bedrooms are lined up, which can be con-
               For example, the existing wine cellar on the plateau had to be integrated, and a mighty  nected in pairs using large sliding doors. A skylight opens above each bed. The main
               group of trees in the middle of the site was to be preserved. From these requirements,  kitchen is located under the green inner courtyard and illuminated only by precisely
               de Carlo developed an L-shaped building, which connects to the existing wine cellar  placed round skylights. The circular shape of the light cannons reappears at various
               and, together with it, encloses a large courtyard with the group of trees. Ground-level  points of the building and in various scales: among other things in the form of the red
               access to the house is via this courtyard in the form of a long, narrow corridor angled at  fireplace, in the porch of the guest wing and in the round study that pushes into the
               90 degrees, which opens between the retaining walls of the old wine cellar. The new  large living room next to the dining area. Ultimately, it is this interaction and opposi-
               building opposite the wine cellar has two floors. The upper level can be accessed sepa-  tion of forms, the diversity of visual and path relationships that ensure that the eye per-
               rately from the outside via a bridge from the roof of the wine cellar. A new staircase  ceives something different, something previously overlooked, each time one walks
               leads from the roof of the wine cellar down to the adjoining garden. The play with level  through the rooms. The 24 hours we have in the house are probably not enough to get
               changes and manifold relationships of paths typical for de Carlos's architecture is also  to know all the architect's ideas. But isn't that the best reason to return?

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