Page 89 - AIT1217_E-Paper
P. 89

Entwurf • Design Diener & Diener Architekten, CH-Basel
                                                                                        Bauherr • Client Swiss Re, CH-Zürich
                                                                                        Standort • Location Mythquai 50, CH-Zürich
                                                                                                                                          Foto: Christian Scholz
                                                                                        Nutzfläche • Floor space 19.006 m 2
                                                                                        Fotos • Photos Swiss Re, CH-Zürich
                                                                                        Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 146

                                                                                        SWISS RE INSURANCE

                                                                                        GROUP IN ZÜRICH

                                                                                        At the promenade of Lake Zurich, the Swiss Re insuran-
                                                                                        ce group intends to bring together its Swiss branches
                                                                                        on one campus. In addition to three existing buildings
                                                                                        worthy of preservation, three additional buildings will
                                                                                        complement the ensemble. The architects from Diener
                                                                                        & Diener have made an impressive start this year with
                                                                                        the new headquarters.

                                                                                        T   he brand-new office building is in many respects a real invest-
                                                                                            ment in the future: it is highly energy-efficient and designed for
                                                                                        a service life of 100 years. It also makes optimum use of the existing
                                                                                        building site between the neighbouring buildings, connects the cam-
                                                                                        pus buildings with each other and has a highly flexible office layout.
                                                                                        With the Swiss Re Next office concept, the company has recently
                                                                                        defined new standards for its own corporate culture, which have long
                                                                                        since been successfully applied at other locations and can now also
                                                                                        be introduced in Zurich. The aim is to enable the company's employ-
                                                                                        ees to exploit their full potential and, on the basis of trust, to offer the
                                                                                        staff a free workday organisation. For this purpose, the entire new
                                                                                        building with eight floors is divided horizontally into three areas: the
                                                                                        three basement levels serve as parking decks and provide a large
                                                                                        auditorium that is used for further education; the ground floor wel-
                Grundriss EG • Ground floor plan                                        comes both guests and employees in a prestigious manner at the
                                                                                        lakefront promenade and accommodates customer consultation
                                                                                        rooms; the five upper floors are used as open-plan, uniformly
                                                                                        equipped office spaces. With a non-territorial usage system and a reg-
                                                                                        ular alternation between classic rows of desks, open seating areas as
                                                                                        well as glazed conference booths and think tanks, a total of 1,100
                                                                                        employees can optimally utilize the 800 regular workplaces. Work is
                                                                                        done in teams, each of which is assigned a fixed home base in the
                                                                                        building in order to strengthen group communication and the sense
                                                                                        of belonging. In addition, an app helps find free meeting rooms or
                                                                                        locate employees. All floors are connected with each other via two
                                                                                        light atria and four staircases of different sizes, which ensure orienta-
                                                                                        tion within the building. Light-coloured surfaces, neutral to colour-
                                                                                        accentuated furniture and paintings from the company's own art col-
                                                                                        lection complete the working environment. The wave-shaped glass
                                                                                        façade is equally effective on the inside and outside. It turns the
                                                                                        clear-cut building into a landmark characterising the cityscape,
                                                                                        which, depending on the lighting conditions, seems sometimes more
                Grundriss 1. OG • Floor plan Level +1                                   and sometimes less immaterial.

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