Page 113 - AIT1123_E-Paper
P. 113

Entwurf • Design RAUM, 1 rue de Colmar, FR-Nantes
                                                                                Bauherr • Client Gemeindeverband der Bretagne
                                                                                Standort • Location FR-Saint-Méen-le-Grand
                                                                                Nutzfläche • Floor space 1338 m 2
                                                                                Fotos • Photos Charles Bouchaïb, FR-Paris
                                                                                Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 142

                                                                                INDOOR POOL EXTENSION

                                                                                IN SAINT-MÉEN-LE-GRAND

                                                           1  Büros • Offices   If one were to describe an indoor swimming pool,
                                                           2  Eingang • Entrance
                                                           3  Umkleiden • Lockers  one’s thoughts would probably revolve around rec-
                                                           4  Erholungsbecken • Recreation pool  tangular hall constructions with flat roofs and a pool.
                                                           5  Solarium • Solarium
                                                           6  Kinderbecken • Children’s pool  Contrary to these expectations, the swimming pool in
                                                           7  Sportbecken • Sport pool
                                                           8  Lager • Storage   Brittany presents itself as a self-confident conglomera-
                                                                                te of existing buildings that were renovated and com-
                                                                                plemented with further building sections by RAUM.

                                                                               T   he special feature of this indoor swimming pool is already clearly
                                                                                   recognizable when looking at it from the outside. An ensemble
                                                                                of gabled roofs picturesquely draws a contour in the middle of the
                                                                                small French community of Saint-Méen-le-Grand in Brittany. The bold
                                                                                dialogue with the listed church standing not far away is supported by
                                                                                a black wooden façade that cleverly wraps all parts of the building in
                                                                                a large, coherent material dress and thus brings the existing building
        Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  into harmony with the new one. The deliberate use of resources is just
                                                                                one of the ways in which the three new buildings are volumetrically
                                                                                balanced with the existing ones – whereby one structure stands out in
                                                                                a special way. Perpendicular to the main building line, the barn-like
                                                                                new building gives the ensemble a new orientation. From the inside
                                                                                as well as from the outside, the architecture is visually extended by
                                                                                large-format façade openings. Thus, users of the 25-metre-long sports
                                                                                pool can enjoy not only the aesthetics of the architecture but also
                                                                                the view of nature while they are swimming. But it is not only in the
                                                                                façade that the planners play with spatial levels: Picking up on the
                                                                                dimensions of the pool, the dimensions of the gable roof are fully
                                                                                utilized to expand the space vertically as well and ultimately to allow
                                                                                an unrestricted view of the sky in a ridge glazing. The existing building
                                                                                also continues to benefit from the form of the cubature. The visible
                                                                                roof structure in the area of the leisure pools is being extensively reno-
                                                                                vated and, in its new white form, blends in well with the rather plain
                                                                                colour concept. Shaped by contrasts, the creative designers’ specific
                                                                                vocabulary extends from the outside to the inside: The striking black
                                                                                wooden façade is contrasted with a small-structured formulation of
                                                                                the interior design, which is expressed in square white tiles. Walls,
                                                                                floors, furniture and even the framing of the panorama windows fol-
                                                                                low the every-present rhythm of restraint. Only the water seems to set
                                                                                a colourful accent with its deceptive blue hue – apart from the bright
                                                                                red children’s slide, which reflects and sets the scene in the shallow
        Axonometrie • Axonometry                                                water in quite a modern way.

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