Page 52 - AIT1122_E-Paper
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            Wandmontiert als Collage: Square (2004) • Wall mounted: Square (2004)  Von der Decke abgehängt: Milano (2006) • Suspended: Milano (2006)  Frei im Raum stehend: Scaletta (2014) • Free standing: Scaletta (2014)

            dem modernen Lebensstil anpassen und an jedem beliebigen Standort zum Einsatz  lection, Ludovica and Roberto Palomba invited on board the well-known designers
            kommen können. Eine weitere Entwicklungsstufe stellt hierbei die Doppelfunktion  Antonia Astori, Matteo Fiorini, Stefano Giovannoni, Elisa Giovannoni, Peter Jamie-
            dar. Zusätzlich zum Heizen ist jedes Objekt mit einer weiteren spezifischen Funktion  son, Alberto Meda, Nicola De Ponti und Satyendra Pakhalé. For the very first time,
            ausgestattet wie Modell Astro, das auch als Luftreiniger fungieren kann, Modell Ori-  heating objects were created that are in fact clever elements of architectural interior
            gamie, das als Raumteiler einsetzbar ist, oder Modell Eve, das über eine Lichtquelle  design. The brand became famous in the world of design and interior architecture in
            verfügt. All diese neuen Funktionen bergen für Tubes die Selbstverständlichkeit, dass  2004 when the company participated in its first international furniture exhibition,
            ein Heizkörper stets mehr sein kann und sein sollte als ein liebloses, den Aufwand  Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan. In 2005 and 2006, Tubes heating objects
            des Versteckens einforderndes Detail im Raum. Für Familie Crosetta geht es nach ei-  distanced themselves from the wall and turned into free-standing solutions in the
            genen Aussagen auch künftig darum, nicht nur elegante Produkte, sondern vor allem  room or into objects suspended from the ceiling such as the Milano model (design:
            auch innovative, leistungsstarke und langfristig sichere Heizobjekte anzubieten, die  Astori de Ponti Associati), t.b.t. (design: Ludovica+Roberto Palomba) and Soho (de-
            beim Nutzer nicht nur warme Behaglichkeit, sondern auch ästhetisches Gefallen aus-  sign: Ludovica+Roberto Palomba). An additional part of the same development step
            lösen und für den Raumplaner nicht nur ein nötiges Übel bedeuten, sondern als Ele-  was the offer of Square Composition where the designers have the opportunity to
            ment mit szenischer Wirkung im Raumgefüge wirkungsstark einsetzbar sind.  create radiators according to their needs and their tastes. A further goal of Tubes was
                                                                          a high energy efficiency and – wherever possible – the use of entirely recyclable ma-
            E  scaping the banality of what is already familiar and recognizing the potential for  terials. The extraordinary product-design quality that Tubes itself has made its task
               design in a purely functional object is the basis and the motivation of the Italian
                                                                          since 1992 was eventually honoured in 2011 with the exhibition of heating objects in
            Tubes company. When the family enterprise was founded in 1992, radiators were  the permanent shows of Centre Pompidou in Paris, the New Collection in Munich
            seen as necessary utensils which were best to be concealed. The Crosetta founding  and in the Museum of Fine Arts in Montreal. Numerous awards were to follow. After
            family considered this fact to be an essential lack and ambitiously tried to give ra-  the Red Dot Design Award 2007, in 2016 Tubes receives for its Origami model among
            diators their own unique identity. In 1994, intensive research and development – as  others (design: Alberto Meda), that was inspired by a screen, the Salone del mo-
            to the various processes and materials as well as aesthetics – resulted in the first col-  bile.Milano Award. In 2018 follows the ADI Compasso d’Oro Award (see photo. From
            lection: Basics. The special attention to form and the love of detail were already ap-  left: Augusto Crosetta (Founder), Riccardo Crosetta (Showroom Coordinator / R&D
            parent in these first designs. An additional aspect from the start: the targeted opti-  Assistant), Antonia Crosetta (Brand and Contract Manager), Franco Crosetta, Alberto
            mization of the water consumption and the thermal efficiency. The major turnaround  Meda (Designer), Cristiano Crosetta (CEO) and Renzo Crosetta). That same year,
            in the development of Tubes occurred in 2003 to 2004 with the Elements collection  Tubes launches its concept of “personal warmth” that produces heating objects
            under the excellent artistic guidance of Ludovica and Roberto Palomba which meant  which adjust to the modern lifestyle and can be installed in any place desired. A furt-
            a true revolution in the radiator sector. This was based on an important technologi-  her step in the development is the dual function. In addition to heating, each object
            cal innovation, the GVR (gruppo valvole a collegamento remoto, in English: valve  has a further specific function such as the Astro model which can also function as
            group with a remote connection). The decisive advantage of GVR is that the valves  an air purifier; the Origami model also suitable for serving as a partition or the Eve
            can be installed at a distance of up to six metres from the radiators. Without the ne-  model that is equipped with a light source. According to their own statements, in fu-
            cessity of the technical elements of a valve and a detentor, designers since then have  ture the Crosetta family members want to not only offer elegant products but, above
            the option of creating radiators no longer recognizable as such. With the aim of using  all, also innovative, powerful and lastingly secure heating objects which are to give
            this newly gained design scope for striking heating objects in an unprecedented col-  the user not only warm comfort but also aesthetic pleasure.

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