Page 50 - AIT1121_E-Paper
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            Grundriss • Floor plan

                                                     Schnitt Projektion • Section projection

            Ausstellungsplakat • Exhibition poster   Schitt innen analog • Section inside analog

            I n my master’s thesis for the Exhibition Design course at the Düsseldorf University  planatory elements relating to the three subject areas are located on the outside of
                                                                          the exhibition object. Following the general information – a first informing level in
              of Applied Sciences – supervised by Professor Dr. Viola Vahrson and Dr. Ulrich
            Spieß – the question was to what extent the normal flow of information from the ex-  the outside world – the guidance system leads the visitors to the entrance of the
            hibition to the recipient could be reversed: what if an exhibition asked instead of  inner room. There is a card that is meant to curb the overload of confrontation with
                                                                          one’s self – the second level asking comes into play, which is about the interaction
            told? In our everyday lives, there are hardly any opportunities to stop and delibera-
                                                                          between the visitor and the exhibition object. At best, one leaves the room with
            tely turn our focus inwards to better understand ourselves. It may be alienating for
                                                                          more questions than one had before. As soon as the visitor enters the core, he can,
            most people at first, when they are supposed to deal with themselves. Who you are
                                                                          in a private atmosphere, focus inwardly by being confronted with questions about
            seems obvious at first, but it is a difficult and complex question. Why am I here?  himself. Here, it is a matter of conscious or unconscious questions that require dee-
            What do I want? And what is my self anyway? In order to live a self-determined life,  per explanation and are thus found in the boxes. As soon as the visitor turns around,
            it is of great benefit to reflectively think about one’s self, because it holds the possi-  he enters a digital animation – the third and final level of making – which invites par-
            bility of living a more fulfilling and active life. When we are aware of our self, we can  ticipation. By means of the catalogue of questions in the digital installation, the vi-
            make decisions that are true to who we are instead of taking decisions unconscio-  sitor is shown a difference between the actual and the target. As soon as the visitor
            usly. Reflecting on questions that no one asks us in everyday life is the aim.   steps closer to the wall, he casts his own shadow, analogous to C.G. Jung’s shadow
                                                                          in the model of the psyche, as his subconscious. Since it cannot be assumed that
            Introspection: a participatory exhibition concept about one’s self  every question is equally important for every visitor and perhaps not everyone can
                                                                          remember the exact wording, it is possible to take these thoughts home in the form
                                                                          of postcards to continue focusing on one’s inner self. Who you are and what you
            This exhibition object is intended to prompt the visitor to self-reflection and to give  want are questions that everyone who is dissatisfied with one’s life will ask sooner
            this reflection a spatial framework by, on the one hand, thematising the self and self-  or later. For some people it is easy to find an answer; others may never be able to
            reflection in the three major subject areas of philosophy, psychology and brain re-  do so. Even a reasonable answer may not necessarily apply to the rest of one’s life
            search and, on the other hand, asking questions that concern one’s own life. The ex-  – especially in our increasingly fast-paced society, this is a repetitive process.

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