Page 129 - AIT1118_E-Paper
P. 129

Text: Christian und Peter Brückner
                A    t the outset of each construction task, we go on a search for clues and ask
                     what type of building needs to be implemented in the particular location? Bad
                Alexandersbad gives many answers. Its qualities and authenticity. The smallest
                health resort in Bavaria is situated in the middle of the Fichtel Mountains, a unique
                landscape with extensive forests, the typical granite rocks shaped spheroidal weath-
                ering, ponds and streams, bogs and swamps. A wide horizon, panoramic view and
                real perspective. Mineral and mud spas are a speciality of Bad Alexandersbad, com-
                plemented by other natural, scientifically recognised and proven healing treasures of
                nature for therapeutic purposes and a high level of competence in modern preventive
                medicine. To use this potential was our chance and challenge. Internal and architec-
                tural renewal must go hand in hand: "Recharge one's batteries in nature and archi-
                tecture" was the concept. Our task was to create something unmistakable that can
                only be located in this place, only in Bad Alexandersbad.

                Granite rocks in the spa gardens: recharging one's batteries

                The resulting architecture blends in quite naturally. As if it had always been there. A
                triad of castle, old Kurhaus, and new Kurhaus. New places emerge. Our architectural
                response: We put a building in the spa gardens, reminiscent of a weathered granite
                rock, grown together with the ground. The façade of the new Kurhaus takes up this
                image, its mineral sparkling depth — the coarse plaster, mixed with granite splinters,
                reflects the sun. The glass joints reflect the sky and symbolize the water. The interior
                can be imagined and enters into a dialogue with the people and the place —arousing
                curiosity. The glass centre connects the old with the new and welcomes visitors. It is
                a place in-between, between the houses, between the centuries, between inside and
                outside. I enter this place to get information, to register for my treatments, to visit the
                baths or simply to linger. The centrepiece is the historic curative water fountain. We
                also bring the Fichtel Mountains into the building, let ourselves be inspired. There  Außenbecken: gerahmte Blicke in die Landschaft • Outdoor pool: framed views of the landscape
                are relaxation rooms, exercise rooms, therapy rooms, water rooms, sweat rooms —
                rooms appealing to the senses. They are like caves, forests, rocks, marshes or waters,
                create peace, security, relaxation - offer a retreat.  On the ground floor of the new
                Kurhaus, I smell and see the earthy marsh, feel wood and stone. I explore the health
                spa on the first floor and escape everyday life. Three swimming and therapy pools -
                indoors and outdoors - a feeling like being in the open. During the day, you can see
                the green, surrounding landscape of the Fichtel Mountains and in the evening the
                starry sky. Letting go. Getting away from it all. The hall allows insights, views and
                vistas, like in a rock labyrinth. A hidden stone caves. Rooms that arouse curiosity
                invite you to discover them. The room plays with colours, light, shadows and the
                seasons. Interspaces. Natural, real light. Framed views into the landscape, from the
                pools, from the roof terrace or from the loungers. Free space. In between there are
                always areas of peace and quiet. Stages for the therapists. From the distance back to
                security, depending on one's mood. In addition, there is the possibility of immersing
                yourself in the earth: sauna, sanarium, steam bath. Above it, the setting sun - the
                source of light, symbol of vitality and joie de vivre - a magical space. On the axes,
                ice wells and real, blazing fire in the relaxation room.      Grundriss EG: Trainingspark, Therapie und Anwendungen • Groundfloor plan
                                                                              Grundriss 1. OG: Panoramabad mit Außenbecken und Sauna • First floor plan
                Material quality: an architectural piece of the Fichtel Mountains

                The result — an architectural piece of the Fichtel Mountains — enters into dialogue
                with nature, both through insights and views and through the materials used — a sen-
                sual concert of the elements of fire, water, air and earth, represented by regional, tra-
                ditional materials. Analogies to nature such as forest, water, rocks and marshland.
                Granite, wood, and glass, sky and earth, both inside and outside. The materials are
                of high quality and sustainable. They can withstand the test of time. Material and
                surfaces are the words. Light and shadow their melody. The building is strength and
                peace. The building is one with the landscape. Recharge your batteries in extraordi-
                nary nature and architecture. The renewal of the small health spa on the inside and
                outside is beginning to bear fruit. Source of my strength. We  wish Bad
                Alexandersbad, its citizens and visitors that it becomes a real living space and place
                of strength. A place that does not forget its origins and actively shapes its future,
                develops roots and wings. A sleeping Bad Alexandersbad, that was once, a long, long
                time ago. A new fairytale chapter begins ... Sleeping Beauty was kissed awake.

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