Page 143 - AIT1019_E-Paper
P. 143

Entwurf • Design Hirschmuellerschmidt, Darmstadt
                                                                                        Bauherr • Client Kastner Frankfurt, Offenbach
                                                                                        Standort • Location Offenbach
                                                                                        Nutzfläche • Floor space 800 m 2
                                                                                        Fotos • Photos Thomas Eicken Fotografie, Fischbach
                                                                                        Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 182

                                                                                        ADVERTISING AGENCY

                                                                                        IN OFFENBACH AM MAIN

                                                                                        Located directly on the Main River in Offenbach's Nor-
                                                                                        dend district, now an up-and-coming area, the new pre-
                                                                                        mises for the Kastner Advertising Agency were created
                                                                                        through the interior construction of two halls on the
                                                                                        Heyne factory site. Hirschmuellerschmidt developed
                                                                                        their colour concept in line with the materials of the
                                                                                        existing buildings and carefully treated the surfaces.

                                                                                3       T  he owner-managed Kastner Advertising Agency primarily sup-
                                  1                                                        ports international clients from the food & beverages sector
                                                                                        and, in addition to its headquarters in Offenburg, maintains a furt-
                                                                                        her seven branch offices in Europe and the USA. Closed down in
                                                                                        1968, the Heyne factory, once the city's third-largest plant employing
                                                                                        400 workers, is today one of the showcase projects for the conver-
                                                                                        sion of listed industrial property in the Rhine-Main region. Starting
                                                                                        in the late 1980s, the old factory halls and the administration buil-
                                                                                        ding were gradually renovated by Allmann Sattler Wappner Archi-
                                                                                        tekten. The Heyne factory has been awarded the Hessian Heritage
                                                                                        Prize and is part of the "Route of Industrial Heritage Rhine-Main".
                                                                                        The two halls of the former metal screw factory and turning shop
                                                                 2                      "Gebrüder Heyne G.m.b.H.", constructed around 1913 in the last con-
                                                                                        struction phase on the northern part of the site, form a V-shaped
                                                                                        courtyard with wings of different lengths, which differ in terms of
                                                                                        material and ceiling height. In the lower wing facing the street, the
                                                                                        supports and beams are made of steel, the ceilings are made of na-
                                                                                        tural oak and the masonry has been left visible on the inside. In con-
                                                                                        trast, smooth white walls and ceilings as well as exposed concrete
                                                                                        columns and joists characterise the wing on the courtyard side. A
                                                                                        total of 42 workplaces, mainly arranged in groups of four, were crea-
                                                                                        ted. The northern wing ("factory hall") provides separate workplaces
                1 Werkhalle • Factory hall                                              for illustrators and the production department, a workshop area en-
                2 Arbeitssaal • Work hall                                               closed in expanded metal and three conference rooms, while the
                3 Teeküche • Tea kitchen
                                                                                        southern  wing ("work hall) accommodates a completely glazed
                                                                                        "captain's cabin" which serves as a think tank, telephone cubicle
                                                                                        and retreat area. Further meeting rooms and areas for focused work
                                                                                        can be separated in the factory hall by means of floor-length grey
                                                                                        curtains mounted at the height of the steel beams. In the work hall,
                                                                                        acoustic panels covered with red fabric, which are inserted into wel-
                                                                                        ded rectangular raw steel profiles and fixed between the floor and
                Grundriss • Floor Plan                                                  joists, serve as room dividers.

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