Page 149 - AIT1018_E-Paper
P. 149

Entwurf • Design Amaa Architects, ES-Ar chena
                                                                                        Bauherr • Client Stadt Archena, ES-Ar chena
                                                                                        Standort • Location C/Felipe II, ES-Archena
                                                                                        Wohnfläche • Floor space 346 m 2
                                                                                        Fotos • Photos David Frutos, ES-Torre Pacheco
                                                                                        Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 192

                                                                                        BUSINESS INCUBATOR

                                                                                        IN ARCHENA

                                                                                        The new business incubator in the city of Archena in sout-
                                                                                        hern Spain looks like an asteroid which has crashed to
                                                                                        earth.  At night, the building immerses its surrounding
                                                                                        area into an white light. With it, Alberto Gil Torrano and
                                                                                        María José Guillén presented their hometown with an
                                                                                        extraordinary design, which has an immense radiance in
                                                                                        a figurative as well as in the fullest sense of the word.

                                                                                        A  rchena is a tranquil small town in the south of Spain whose popu-
                                                                                           lation mainly lives off agriculture. At the same time, the close to
                                                                                        20,000 inhabitants benefit from the proximity to the provincial capital of
                                                                                        Murcia located about half an hour’s drive away. Both factors had the
                                                                                        consequence that Archena is relatively prosperous and that the number
                                                                                        of inhabitants is steadily growing. Above all young people and families
                Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  from the rural surrounding area are moving here. New residential
                                                                                        districts thus spring up around the city core year after year. One of them,
                                                                                        located in the south of the city, has now been complemented with a
                                                                                        spectacular new public building which was quite deliberately planned
                                                                                        as a landmark on the periphery. The crystalline structure, completely
                                                                                        covered with polycarbonate panels and serving as a modern business
                Längsschnitt • Longitudinal section                                     incubator, was designed by Alberto Gil Torrano and María José Guillén.
                                                                                        The young and local architect couple jointly operates under the name of
                                                                                        Amaa Architects. Like a gigantic erratic block, the building stands at the
                                                                                        boundary between the city and the countryside. Towards the settlement,
                                                                                        the construction ducks almost humbly; towards the countryside, how-
                                                                                        ever, it rises up all the more proud and challenging. Around it, the archi-
                Querschnitt • Transversal section                                       tects produced an acute-angled concrete topography of inclined planes,
                                                                                        stairs and platforms which is used above all by the young people in the
                                                                                        neighbourhood as a public meeting point. Inside the translucent, ob   li -
                                                                                        que-angled monolith as well, Torrano and Guillén used the motif of an
                                                                                        artificial rocky landscape. It extends upwards across a total of five levels
                                                                                        and into the depth of the large single space which is the contact point,
                                                                                        the shared office and the networking forum of the local scene of entre-
                                                                                        preneurs and start-ups. The different levels are interconnected by a wide
                                                                                        cascading staircase making its way like a waterfall through the three-
                                                                                        dimensional spatial structure. At the ground-floor level, the “rock” cover-
                                                                                        ed with concrete-grey wood-cement panels has space for two sanitary
                                                                                        rooms, a small storage room, as well as an open-plan office. There is no
                                                                                        doubt that the city and the architects thus achieved a “light-house pro-
                Konstruktionsdetail • Construction detail                               ject” – at night even in the full sense of the word!

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