Page 40 - AIT0924_E-Paper
P. 40


           Im neuen Erdgeschoss ist ein Spa-Bereich entstanden. • A spa area has been created on the new ground floor.  Materialcollage • Materialcollage

                                                                                                       „Um sämtliche
                                                                                                        nachhaltig zu

                                                                                                      gestalten, führe
                                                                                                     ich Prinzipien des

                                                                                                     mit regenerativen

                                                                                                     Magdalena Zehofer

           Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan  Grundriss 1. Obergeschoss • Floor plan level +1  Grundriss 2. Obergeschoss • Floor plan level +2

           D   erby’s listed Victorian railway station, Friar Gate Goods Yard, has been vacant for   and designed. Nevertheless, privacy is of great importance in the hotel business and
               over 50 years. The site itself and its immediate surroundings lie derelict and now
                                                                         retreats are created in the public areas and quiet rooms for reflection. To ensure suf-
           pose a security problem for the city. In order to counteract the decay on several levels   ficient sunlight, the Viva indoor garden is located on the east side of the building. By
           and revitalize the site in a meaningful way, the project with the working title “Der-  incorporating natural elements such as local, environmentally friendly materials and
           ventio Retreat” not only includes a complete refurbishment, but also the conversion   daylight, the overall aim is to create a harmonious connection with nature to reduce
           into a comprehensive hotel concept with a restaurant, wellness- and conference area   stress and increase concentration. I use both natural and artificial light in combination
           as well as an indoor garden open to the public. It was important to me to do justice   with artificial light as a powerful means of setting the scene. Regenerative strategies
           to the history of the building with a contemporary interior design and ultimately to   also promote sustainable operation. The design concept not only combines the func-
           lead the entire neighbourhood into the future. The ground floor, almost nine metres   tional and structural concept with aesthetics, but also plays with contrasts intended
           high, allows adding a new first floor of around 3,000 square metres to the two existing  to mediate between the natural and the built environment. Organic shapes made of
           floors, resulting in a total usable area of around 9,000 square metres. Three building   Corian meet geometric structures that symbolize perfection and humility. This uncon-
           entrances ensure the coordinated and, if required, independent use of the conference   ventional design language also communicates vitality and balance. Fresh colours such
           area including the bistro, the indoor garden as well as the hotel operations including   as carmine red, orange and moss green mix with warm earthy tones. Durable, natural
           the library, spa area, restaurant and bar. The hotel use is located on all three floors, is   materials such as flax fabrics, spruce and cork lend the rooms a down-to-earth feel.
           orientated to the west and comprises 40 hotel rooms. My concept philosophy, which   The project not only promotes local economic growth, but also the development of
           encompasses all areas, aims to emphasize the importance of community, which is  tourism in the entire region. “Derventio Retreat” aims to bring the focus on communi-
           why communicative areas such as the restaurant and bar are generously proportioned  ty values and a natural environment to life.

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