Page 46 - AIT0922_E-Paper
P. 46


                                                                          M    r Kellner, you studied interior architecture at Rosenheim Technical University
                                                                               of Applied Sciences between 2016 and 2020, where Michaela Wolf has been
                                                                          teaching Design and Space since 2017. A lucky twist of fate?
                                                                          Yes, indeed. Looking back, Michaela was certainly a person who had a very strong influ-
                                                                          ence on me. After all, in addition to many design courses during my studies, she also su-
                                                                          pervised my bachelor’s thesis on the conversion of churches. I particularly liked her wil-
                                                                          lingness to experiment and her openness in her approach to a wide variety of projects.
                                                                          That’s how I eventually ended up spending my practical semester at her and Gerd’s office
                                                                          in Bressanone. During this time, I was able to learn a great deal both in my studies and
                                                                          in the office and pick up a lot for the future. I am very grateful for that.

                                                                          r What in particular were you able to learn from them?
                                                                          The first step is always to explore the place, its past, present and possible future. For
            Fotos: Christian Kellner                                      one of their guiding principles: “You should not build in a place, you should build the
                                                                          Michaela and Gerd, building means perpetuating the place. This is also reflected in

                                                                          place”. A kind of common thread in their work is the ability to skilfully reconcile the
                                                                          the language of local traditions and building methods with contemporary forms of ex-
            Wettbewerb Konzerthaus Schloss Weißenbrunn, 1. Preis • Weissenbrunn Castle Concert Hall Competition, 1 prize  landscape with the building structure to be embedded in it, and to continue speaking
                                                                          pression and materials. I have learned to approach projects courageously, to dare to
                                                                          do something and yet remain sensitive and attentive. For architecture, the engage-
            Blick ins Modellregal im Büro bergmeisterwolf • View of the model shelves in the bergmeisterwolf office  ment with “tradition” – especially in South Tyrol – can still be a delicate, much-dis-
                                                                          cussed topic. The effect of the projects can be compared to a stone falling into water.
                                                                          At first it stirs up the water, but over time the water calms down again and it seems
                                                                          as if the stone had always been there and belonged there.

                                                                          r How would you describe the structure of the small, excellent office in Bressanone?
                                                                          At my time, the office consisted of the bergmeisterwolf couple, four to five employees and
                                                                          two or three interns. As far as I know, this office size is to be maintained so that Michaela
                                                                          and Gerd can continue to be directly involved in all processes. It is important to both of
                                                                          them to personally supervise the projects at every step and down to the last detail in
                                                                          order to achieve the best possible result. The architects are supported by a diverse net-
                                                                          work of specialist planners, artists and craftsmen. In this small, well attuned team, the
                                                                          atmosphere is very informal and open. Everyone is encouraged and contributes to all the
                                                                          projects. For this reason, however, work could be demanding and challenging at times.
                                                                          The diverse mix of the team members was also interesting. They came from Italy, South
            Foto: Gustav Willeit, IT-Stern                                r During your six-month internship, you were involved in the competition for the
                                                                          Tyrol, Austria, Portugal, Mexico and – when I was there – also from Germany.

                                                                          Weissenbrunn Castle Concert Hall, in which bergmeisterwolf won first prize. What
                                                                          were your tasks and what did you learn in the process?
                                                                          First of all, I would like to mention that the competition was a special highlight during
            Blick auf das Eisacktal • View to the Eisack Valley           my internship in Bressanone. The whole team worked together on the concept and the
                                                                          presentation over several days. I was mainly involved in the design of the hotel. My task
                                                                          was, among other things, to integrate the building with all its functions into the land-
                                                                          scape and the structure of the small Bavarian village in an unobtrusive, understated way
                                                                          and as an independent volume. This was because the hotel was supposed to take a back
                                                                          seat to the exciting volume of the concert hall. I also spent a lot of time on the design of
                                                                          the hotel rooms. That was an intensive, rewarding phase of work. In the process, I lear-
                                                                          ned what is important in a competition and felt at first hand the zeal and ambition with
                                                                          which people work towards a vivid result.

                                                                          r Do you have a favourite project by bergmeisterwolf? And what do you appre-
                                                                          ciate about it?
                                                                          Not really, but I have a special relationship with buildings I have worked on or seen
                                                                          personally on site. With some projects I had the opportunity to explore them not only
                                                                          from the outside but also from the inside, although they are otherwise inaccessible to
                                                                          the general public. This was possible during an excursion to South Tyrol offered by
                                                                          Michaela at Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences, as well as on occa-
                                                                          sions when I was able to accompany the photographer Gustav Willeit. I particularly
                                                                          liked the private residence in Aldrans. The folded roof creates different, exciting views
                                                                          both inside and out. I also very well remember the restored and extended Pacherhof
                                                                          with its pyramid-like tower and the sensitive treatment of the old wine cellars. Seen
                                                                          in this light, I may have a few favourite objects after all ...

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