Page 37 - AIT0919_E-Paper
P. 37

A   pproximately more than 20 million proud Paulistanos are currently living in São  with several green areas. That is why the actual museum is now positioned un-
                                                                              derground. The outdoor facilities were designed by the well-known landscape
                    Paulo. It is thus one of the largest cities in the whole wide world and, of course,
                the economic as well as the cultural centre of the enormously large Brazil. At first  architect Roberto Burle Marx.
                glance, the city in the south of the country has an intimidating effect, it is much too  r 1 p.m. – And now we are certainly ready for a lunch break! The museum of contem-
                big and loud and perhaps also somewhat too rough. Those, however, who are cou-  porary art – MAC USP Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Universidade de São Paulo
                rageous enough to risk a second look, quickly become aware of its magnificent di-  – was designed by Oscar Niemeyer in 1963 and built on the campus of the local uni-
                versity which is interwoven between change and Brazilian identity. Countless muse-  versity. Besides a breath-taking view of the city, the Vista Restaurante (4) on the roof
                ums and cultural centres, cinemas, theatres and also one of the largest street-art  terrace impresses with the finest Brazilian cuisine. Only in 2018 did the designer Fe-
                scenes in the whole world, the busy nightlife and a cuisine as international as its in-  lipe Protti combine a tasteful mid-century style with modern materials in the interior.
                habitants – São Paulo is a truly multicultural mecca. In addition, the city offers an  r 3 p.m. – Time for an extended stroll through the adjacent park. With an area of ap-
                unequalled diversity of exciting architecture as to interiors as well as exteriors, all  proximately 160 hectares, the Parque Ibirapuera (5) is the largest urban park in São
                embedded in the daunting cosmopolitan urban jungle. Feel like spending a weekend  Paulo. In the midst of the big-city hustle and bustle, it has been providing a success-
                there and leaving the city with plenty of inspiration? You are more than welcome in  ful mixture of nature and monumental architecture since the 1950s. Whereas the ma-
                my home town which we lovingly call Sampa!                    gnificent landscaping was again designed by Roberto Burle Marx, Oscar Niemeyer
                                                                              was responsible for the conception of the buildings. Among these is the Ciccillo Ma-
                Saturday: Space and perspective                               tarazzo Pavilion (6) built in 1957 for the Bienal de São Paulo, the MAM – Museu de
                                                                              Arte Moderna de São Paulo (7) from 1954, which Bo Bardi refurbished in 1968, and
                Although the number of hotels is enormous, for spending the night I really recom-  the Ibirapuera Auditório concert hall (8) completed in 2005. A visit to the park is
                mend a guesthouse or a bed & breakfast accommodation as an alternative. Particu-  an absolute must – no matter whether one goes to one of the museums or attends
                larly if one wants to feel right at home in the huge city. The Lobo Urban Stay (1) ho-  one of the events or prefers to simply drift during a relaxed bicycle tour.
                stel, for instance, is very centrally located. It is in a charming, older building and,  r 5.30 p.m. – How about an aperitif right now? For this, we take a taxi to Avenida
                apart from the modern common areas, also has a number of comfortable rooms.   Paulista in the heart of the city and get out at one of the landmarks, the MASP – the
                r 9 a.m. – A hearty breakfast in the Padoca do Maní (2) bakery is guaranteed to en-  Museo de Arte de São Paulo (9). The spectacular building of concrete and glass
                sure a good start of the day. The bakery is situated in the upscale Jardim Paulistano  whose main volume is supported by two red concrete pillars over a length of 74 me-
                district and its attractive interior reminds of a typical Brazilian country house.    tres gives the impression of floating above the street. Lina Bo Bardi designed this
                r 10.30 a.m. – Just a short easy walk to the neighbouring district takes us to the  symbol of modern Brazilian architecture in 1968. From the left corner of the building,
                MuBE – the Museu Brasileiro de Escultura (3). The sculpture museum is consi-  we walk down the street to the Mirante Nove  de Julho (10) bar. Since its completion
                dered to be a masterwork of Brazilian brutalism and was designed by the Pritz-  in 1938, the premises situated above the tunnel of the Avenida Nove de Julho were
                ker Prize winner Paulo Mendes da Rocha in 1988. It started out with the idea of  to serve as a viewing point yet remained unoccupied for 70 years. In 2014, MM18 ar-
                not having a building constructed at all but designing a freely structured square  chitects converted the rooms into the aforementioned bar and, with their minimalist

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