Page 39 - AIT0722_E-Paper
P. 39

Tokyo Nude, 2020
                                                                             von • by Rumi Ando


                                                                           Rumi Ando has tidied up Tokyo: the Japanese photo artist has air-

                                                                           brushed out all visual disruptive factors such as billboards, elec-

                                                                           trical installations and window openings from her landscape-for-

                                                                           mat city portraits. She thus shows her adopted city stripped bare

                                                                           and undisguised and exposes the actually rigid and static struc-

                                                                           tures of a place that otherwise always seems to be in perpetual

                                                                           motion. Each of the photographs from the series Tokyo Nude thus

                                                                           draws its very own, almost ornamental image of Tokyo, in which,

                                                                           due to the almost two-dimensional way of representation, colour-

                                                                           fully mixed urban volumes depict a calm, two-dimensional tex-

                                                                           ture. Ando’s colourful abstraction of the (urban) landscape can be

                                                                           interpreted as a reference to the art of Yamato-e painting, which

                                                                           has characterised Japanese pictorial compositions since the early

                                                                           Middle Ages. And yet the urban patterns evoke above all critical

                                                                           questions of our present and our future: what kind of city would it

                                                                           be if there were no longer any visible communication? If all en-

                                                                           trances and exits were closed and no human interaction could be

                                                                           experienced? If people would no longer desire material functions?

                                                                           These are the questions Ando, who graduated from the Depart-

                                                                           ment of Intermedia Art at Tokyo University of the Arts in 2010, ad-

                                                                           dresses to the viewers of her fictional Tokyo dystopia, which has
                                                                           now also been published as a brochure. It is not surprising that

                                                                           the idea for this emerged in 2020, at the height of the pandemic

                                                                           events in Japan, when the ideals of communal coexistence truly

                                                                           disappeared behind smooth façades for quite some time, and the

                                                                           idea of the end point of urban civilisation seemed to have come

                                                                           within reach. Thus the pastel-coloured pictures represent an aes-

                                                                           thetic document of those days.
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