Page 131 - AIT0722_E-Paper
P. 131

Entwurf • Design Peris+Toral Arquitectes, ES-Barcelona
                                                                           Bauherr • Client Verwaltung der Metropolregion Barcelona (AMB)
                                                                           Standort • Location Av. República Argentina 21, ES-Barcelona
                                                                           Nutzfläche • Floor space 12.815 m 2
                                                                           Fotos • Photos José Hevia, ES-Barcelona
                                                                           Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 142

             Die vorgesetzte Fassadenebene mit Laubengang sorgt für Verschattung. • The front facade level provides shading.

             Grundriss Regelgeschoss • Floor plan standard floor
                                                                           Bildunterschrift • englisch

             proximately 30 minutes of protection. In this building with an evacuation height greater
             than 15 meter, REI90 is required. For example: For the slabs, where according to the
             structural calculation only 120 millimeter of thickness were needed, 30 millimeter of ad-
             ditional wood thickness have been added, resulting in a total thickness of 150 millime-
             ter. The greatest difficulty to be solved in a multi-family residential building is the noise
             between different units. Solving each element in isolation is relatively simple since there
             are catalogue solutions on the market that meet regulatory requirements, but the tricky
             thing is that they work together when flank noise is considered. As it is a light wood
             construction system, it did not make sense to resolve airborne noise by massiveness,
             the traditional way. That is why Hooke’s law (mass-spring-mass system) was used to
              solve acoustic insulation within the lightweight system. A geometric strategy has been
             used to solve the noise on the sides, ensuring that the path that the noise takes between
             two different units of use has at least two corners. Every time noise passes over a corner,
             that is, when it makes a 90° turn, noise loses 30 percent of its intensity. With this geo-
             metric solution, it was possible to leave the wooden structure visible on the ceilings, fa-
             vouring hygrothermal, inertia and odour absorption performance. One of the main chal-
              lenges of the project was to build a wooden building with the VPO construction module.
             In order to achieve economic feasibility in social housing, the volume of timber needed
             per built square metre was optimised. For the 8,300 squaremeter of built floor area,
             consisting of 85 social housing units on five levels, a total of 2,000 cubic meter of zero-
             kilometre timber from the Basque Country was used. This corresponds to 0.24 cubic
             meter of wood per square metre of built floor area. The building was completed in 17
             months and with a PEC of 950 Euro per squaremeter of built area.  Maximaler Wohnraum dank des Verzichts auf Flure. • Maximum living space thanks to the absence of corridors.

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