Page 130 - AIT0722_E-Paper
P. 130


            Perforierte Fensterläden dienen als Sonnen- und Sichtschutz. • The Shutters serve as sun and privacy protection.  Das Entree bildet einen schwellenlosen Übergang zum Hof. • The entrance forms the transition into the courtyard.

            T   he building is organised around a courtyard that articulates a sequence of inter-  them in natural (wood) and recycled states (steel, aggregates), it was possible to re-
                mediate spaces. On the ground floor, a porch opens up to the city, anticipating
                                                                          duce the building’s footprint by 55 percent compared to an equivalent conventional
            the doorway of the building and filtering the relationship between public space and  building. The building has an A energy rating and it has been possible to reduce pri-
            the courtyard that acts as a small plaza for the community. The four vertical circulation  mary energy consumption to 20 KWh/m per year and C0 emissions during use to
            cores are situated at the four corners of the courtyard so that all the occupants con-  three kg CO /m year. The two perimeter terraces are like an overhang for sun protec-
            verge and meet in the plaza, which represents a safe space from a gender perspective.  tion. The exterior building skin comprises an electro-welded wire mesh with a shading
            On the standard floor, entry to the apartments is from one of the circulation cores and  mesh of 28 percent porosity. At the same time, this layer serves as protection against
            the private terraces that make up the ring of outdoor spaces overlooking the courtyard.  solar rays that can affect the interior facade and as visual protection and privacy shield
            The building’s general floor plan is a matrix of communicating rooms. There are 114  from neighbours when using the terrace. In addition to this mesh, Barcelona shutters
            spaces per floor, all of similar dimensions, eliminating both private and communal cor-  were installed, acting as solar protection and lighting control of the openings in the
            ridors to allow maximum use of the floor space. The server spaces are laid out in the  building. This sum of layers on the facade creates shade on the outside terrace that al-
            central ring, while the rest of the rooms, of undifferentiated use and size (13 square-  lows the outside temperature to be reduced by several degrees.
            mete), accommodate different forms of occupation. The floor area and proportion
            allow generous corners as a support that facilitates the appropriation of space. Another  Challenges of a social housing project made of wood
            terrace in the outer ring completes the spatial sequence: a row of spaces interconnec-
            ted by large openings, permeable to fresh air, view and movement. The 85 housing  The advantages of structural wood construction are many and widely known: material
            units are divided into four groups with a total of 18 per floor. Four or five apartments  from the biosphere; high capacity to reduce CO emissions; hygrothermal regulator; re-
            are laid out around a circulation core, ensuring that all the typologies are cross-venti-  duction of the weight of the structure; reduction of construction time, etc. However,
            lated and face two directions. The apartments consist of five or six modules, depending  there are three difficulties to be considered: fire resistance, cost and noise between
            on whether they have two or three bedrooms. The inclusive open-plan kitchen is loca-  neighbouring units. The fire difficulty is the easiest to solve. There are two strategies:
            ted in the central room, acting as an element of distribution that replaces the corridors,  add extra thickness to the wood section or cover the wood. Approximately each centi-
            at the same time making domestic work visible and avoiding gender roles. Through  metre of additional wood thickness is equivalent to 30 minutes of protection, and if
            the optimisation of materials, prefabrication and the correct choice of materials using  wood is covered with laminated plasterboard, each layer of 15 mm is equivalent to ap-

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