Page 120 - AIT0523_E-Paper
P. 120


            Klettern, Mathe üben oder entspannen und zusehen • Climbing, boning up on maths or relaxing and watching  Grundriss • Floor plan

            E  very child comes to preschool with individual abilities and challenges. Our ultimate  intermediate area is closed up to the ceiling with transparent acrylic panes. We decided
               goal for the Sisu School in Punta Cana was to design spaces where students can dis-
                                                                          on acrylic instead of glass because curved tempered glass is very expensive to produce
            cover the world of knowledge, where they can play and where they are able to become  and we designed most of the walls to be arched. In line with this organic contour, the
            the best versions of themselves. The word Sisu in Finnish stands for determination, will-  shape of the circle appears in various areas of the preschool rooms. From the round cei-
            power and courage. The children already bring these qualities with them when they enter  ling lights to acoustic ceiling sails to wall niches where the children can take a nap or
            preschool. And our job is to design an interior-design framework where they can experi-  read. The niches in the wall have yellow upholstery and are surrounded by cupboards.
            ence their unique talents and gifts; to provide them with learning tools of playing and ex-  True to our concept, we have also provided the cupboard doors with circular openings.
            ploring. Flexibly designed classrooms play a crucial role in this; as an integrative space,
            they encourage curiosity and interaction. We designed the foyer with modifiable wooden  The colour choice: warm wood, cheerful yellow and peaceful white
            furnishing. The focal point is a tree construction that mimics an oak tree. Its roots provide
            seating where the children can read or rest.                  Complementing the warm and natural wood, our colour choice for the rest of the interior
                                                                          was the deliberate decision in favour of yellow and white: According to colour psycho-
            The tree is our favourite element of the design               logy, yellow is associated with energy, warmth and happiness and quickly attracts atten-
                                                                          tion; white is associated with peace and innocence. The two colours are found on the
            For the wooden construction, we developed two-dimensional roots, trunks, branches  walls, the furniture, the floors, the cushions and even the toys to make the interior a
            (and combinations of the three components) which we had manufactured with a CNC  cheerful and harmonious place that, at the same time, causes few distractions. Another
            machine and finally arranged into a “3D wooden oak”. The tree is our favourite element  feature is a climbing wall which has been constructed of metal so that the children can
            of the design, not only because of its aesthetics, but also because the children decorate  climb safely. The learning area has fun “serpentine tables” that take up the (semi-) circle
            it differently for all festivals and holidays. The oak is also the first interior design element  theme and where the children can work and play individually or together by arranging
            that the pupils and teachers see when they enter the school. We also thought of a special  the tables close together as needed. The play area presented one of the biggest challen-
            concept for the wooden walls separating the classrooms – their comparatively low design  ges – both as regards the design and the implementation! It has shelves for storing exer-
            has two important functions: For the adults, they offer full visual contact and the possi-  cise balls, a carefully structured maths game made of metal rods and wooden circles,
            bility of supervision even when they are outside the rooms; for the children, in turn, they  and storage space for yoga mats. Contact with nature is also guaranteed – through
            give privacy and a sense of appropriation of the space. For acoustic reasons, the “open”  window openings that offer a view of the large green spaces surrounding the school.

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