Page 79 - AIT0520_E-Paper
P. 79

Entwurf • Design Lukas Imhof Architektur, CH-Zürich
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Ekkharthof Verein, CH-Lengwil
                                                                                     Standort • Location Rütelistraße 2, CH-Lengwil
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 2.780 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Lucas Peters (1–3), Hannes Heinzer (4–5)
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 128

                                                                                     EKKHARTHOF SCHOOL

                                                                                     IN LENGWIL

                  „Im besten Fall vermengen sich das Bestehende                      Lukas Imhof is a representative of the “old/new archi-
                                                                                     tecture” as his teacher, friend and mentor Miroslav Šik
                       und das Ergänzende zu etwas Neuem.“                           established it with his teachings at the ETH Zurich. The
                                                                                     concept is a kind of architecture which does not see
                                         Lukas Imhof                                 the old and the new as antagonistic forces but is loo-

                                                                                     king for a synthesis. Imhof recently showed how this
                                                                                     can succeed with the extension of a school building.

                                                                                     T   he Ekkharthof in the Swiss community of Lengwil on Lake Con-
                                                                                         stance is a sanatorium and an educational facility according to the
                                                                                     anthroposophical guidelines for about 200 children, adolescents and
                                                                                     adults with mental disabilities. The facility was constructed in the
                                                                                     1970s according to plans by the architect Rex Raab (1914-2004), who is
                                                                                     a leading representative of anthroposophical architecture in the Ger-
                                                                                     man-speaking area. Born in Great Britain, Raab studied architecture in
                                                                                     London in the late 1930s. He was later trained as a handicraft instruc-
                                                                                     tor at the Goetheanum in Dornach and worked for several years as a
                                                                                     teacher at the first Waldorfschule in Stuttgart founded by Rudolf Stei-
                                                                                     ner before, in 1954, Raab became self-employed as an architect in
                                                                                     Remstal. Subsequently, he realized numerous, pioneering anthroposo-
                                                                                     phical institutions in Germany and in Switzerland. For Lengwil, Raab
             Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan  Grundriss Obergeschoss • Upper floor plan  designed an introvert ensemble arranged around an oval courtyard. It
                                                                                     includes a central administration building with an adjacent festival
                                                                                     hall, a school building, residences as well as various buildings for
                                                                                     workshops. during the latest refurbishment- and extension works at
                                                                                     the Ekkharthof managed by the Zurich architect Lukas Imhof, the
                                                                                     school building was also fundamentally revised and complemented
                                                                                     with a sports hall as well as additional rooms for the administration
                                                                                     and meetings. For this, Imhof and his team added a third wing to the
                                                 Schnitt • Section                   school planned by Raab as a two-winged building. This third wing con-
                                                                                     tains the sports hall whereas the requested additional rooms are now
                                                                                     under the new common roof. At the intersection of the old and the new
                                                                                     building, the architects designed a new, identity-creating foyer. The
                                                                                     walls of the three-level volume with a pentagonal layout are plastered
                                                                                     with coloured stucco veneziano. The colour spectrum ranges from ear-
                                                                                     thy shades of red in the lower to cold sky-blue tones in the upper part.
                                                                                     Then there is intensive zenithal lighting which increases the expressio-
                                                                                     nist appearance of the room and its colouring. Without subordinating
                                                                                     themselves to the vocabulary of the building stock, the architects com-
             Grundriss Dachgeschoss • Attic floor plan  Farbschema Eingangshalle • Color scheme entrance hall  bined the old and the new into a natural-looking whole.

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