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Entwurf • Design Florian Siegel/UnternehmenForm, Stuttgart
                                                                                    Bauherr • Client Philipp und Keuntje Agency, Stuttgart
                                                                                    Standort • Location Neckarstraße 155, Stuttgart
                                                                                    Nutzfläche • Floor space 1500 m 2
                                                                                    Fotos • Photos Markus Guhl, Stuttgart
                                                                                    Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 134

                                                                                    PHILIPP AND KEUNTJE

                                                                                    AGENCY IN STUTTGART

                                                                                    What to do with an interior design that is outdated but
                                                                                    still classically good? When a media agency changed
                                                                                    its name, the interior was also to be given a contempo-
                                                                                    rary and energetic makeover to mark the new start and
                                                                                    lure the team out of their cosy home offices. The new
                                                                                    team of designers was able to retain what was tried
                                                                                    and tested and optimize it intelligently and effectively.

                                              „Unsere Aufgabe bestand               W    hen the creative agency fischerAppelt moved into the third floor
                                                                                         of the building which formerly housed the Stuttgart employment
                                             auch darin, die Flächen zu             office in Neckarstrasse in 2009, it relied on the proven expertise of Car-
                                               analysieren und uns mit              sten Roth, an interior designer from Hamburg, to design the approxi-
                                                                                    mately 1,500 square metres of office- and corridor space. He cloaked
                                               dem damaligen Ansatz                 parts of the 100-metre-long corridor from one end of the building to the

                                                auseinanderzusetzen                 other in futuristic-looking black to draw visitors from the central recep-
                                                                                    tion area into the other offices and common rooms. The “cool” design
                                                und dem Bestand eine                of the reception area with its mirrored ceiling and backlit counter also

                                             angemessene Büronutzung                dates back all the way to the first utilization phase of the premises. After
                                                                                    the agency was reorganized and renamed Philipp und Keuntje Agen-
                                             in der Jetzt-Zeit zu geben.“           cy (PUK), interior designer and carpenter Florian Siegel and Unterneh-
                                                                                    menForm founder Alexander Seifried took over the design concept. They
                                                     Florian Siegel                 were tasked with creating a stimulating and, above all, cosy working
                                                                                    atmosphere for the 90 or so employees, building on what was already
                                                                                    there. Accordingly, the reception desk was shortened and supplemented
                                                                                    with a waiting area, curtains and carpeted areas. The mirrored plexiglass
                                                                                    ceiling continues to hover above everything. The effect of the previously
                                                                                    dark corridors has been reversed: they now provide access to the functio-
                                                                                    nally equipped workstations and the various transverse “marketplaces”,
                                                                                    which are used for meetings, presentations, workshops or even com-
                                                                                    munal meals or celebrations and, with their new furniture and surfaces,
                                                                                    look like colourful injections of energy. The holistic theme – fresh colour
                                                                                    concept, structuring curtains, zoning through flooring colour and mate-
                                                                                    rial, soft, dampening textiles – runs through all rooms. A contemporary
                                                                                    breeze is now also blowing through the kitchen and cafeteria; everything
                                                                                    looks fresh and tidy, cosy and welcoming. In addition to numerous custo-
                                                                                    mized items, furniture from the new UnternehmenForm collection was
                                                                                    also added – the sturdy Super Heavy stools of wood and steel in many
                                                                                    colours or the modular AddPad, a versatile modular sofa system with
                                                                                    three different height options. Concentrated craftsmanship-, design- and
             Grundriss • Floor plan                                                 interior-design expertise led to an astonishing and sustainable result.

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