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Entwurf • Design Chybik + Kristof, CZ-Brünn
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Koma Modular, CZ-Wisowitz
                                                                                     Standort • Location CZ-Wisowitz
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 170 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Jesús Granada, ES-Baeza
                                                                                                                                       Foto: KIVA
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 142

                                                                                     MODULAR RESEARCH

                                                                                     CENTER IN VIZOVICE

                                                                                     Modular construction – prefabricated elements inevita-
                                                                                     bly remind of serially stacked and strung in an orthogo-
                                                                                     nal grid. The potential, however, is much greater than
                                                                                     this, as the Modular Research Center for Koma Modular
                                                                                     in Czechia clearly shows. The office pavilion planned by
                                                                                     Chybik + Kristof is the best reference for the company –
                                                                                     surprisingly individually conceived and designed.

                                                                                     I n the past year, Koma Modular has been able to celebrate the 30-year
                                                                                       company anniversary. The company which is located in Vizovice in
                                                                                     Czechia meanwhile produces entirely digitally prefabricated modular
                                                                                     constructions for a wide variety of uses. In the anniversary year, the Mo-
                                                                                     dular Research Center was completed on the company premises. The
                                                                                     think tank is an example of the possibilities that are yet to be discovered:
             Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  with it, Chybik + Kristof are pushing the boundaries of the traditional
                                                                                     standards of modular construction. The one-storey building measuring
                                                                                     170 square metres is part of a master plan that the architects from Brno
             Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  have developed for the entrance area of the company location. The de-
                                                                                     sign includes three components which form a semi-public square. In
                                                                                     2014, the modular cafeteria has been built; in 2018, the Czechia pavilion
                                                                                     originally designed by Chybik + Kristof for EXPO 2015 was reanimated.
                                                                                     The Modular Research Center is the last components that was still mis-
                                                                                     sing. Ondrej Chybik and Michal Kristof here handled the theme of mo-
             Querschnitt • Cross Section                                             dular construction in a completely different way from the otherwise
                                                                                     usual additive design. The research pavilion is based on a free form. On
                                                                                     six explicitly not rectangular but trapezoid and freely formed elements,
                                                                                     a modelled roofscape rests with two skylight funnels. Ceiling-high glass
                                                                                     façades between the modules ensure a light-flooded, flexible working at-
                                                                                     mosphere. The modules themselves serve as secondary rooms – as toi-
                                                                                     lets, a cloakroom, a storage-, a utility-, a multimedia- and a sample
                                                                                     room. Since Koma Modular produces and installs (perforated) alumi-
                                                                                     nium panels on a daily basis, it was only logical that this material also
                                                                                     exemplarily characterizes the design and also determines its atmo-
                                                                                     sphere. A contrast to this cool aesthetics is created by softly falling, white
                                                                                     curtains that filter the daylight. The working climate makes a very indi-
                                                                                     vidual and far from standardized impression. The advantages of the mo-
                                                                                     dular construction are evident – prefabricated elements that have high
                                                                                     price certainty, are flexible and resource-saving as well as dismountable
                                                                                     and expendable. The potential is there. As Chybik + Kristof show, ideas
             Axonometrie • Axonometry                                                for autonomous, distinctive designs are therefore required now!

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