Page 129 - AIT0423_E-Paper
P. 129

I  n the first phase of the Corona pandemic 2020, there was a high demand for so-
                lutions for working in a home office. For this, we wanted to develop a space-
              saving furniture concept in which the existing furniture of the residents or users is
              integrated and continues to be used. This was to prevent still functioning pieces of
              furniture from being thrown away. Many people who worked from home were also
              concerned about not having a suitable background for digital meetings. We wanted
             to find solutions for this as well. Our first thought was to use high (storage) furniture
             to save space. In doing so, we revert to the principle of a shelf. Each component is
             framed and finds its place. Here framing first became a principle of design. Indivi-
             dual components can easily be exchanged which is also an economic advantage in
             the long run. Changing furniture requirements are not only found in the office but
             also in children’s and teenagers’ rooms, for example. Replacing individual elements
             also fits into this context.

             A flexible system thanks to a modular system

             The modular system developed includes four types of modules: 1. The users’ existing
              furniture which can be framed. 2. Functional modules such as cupboards, drawer
              cabinets, folding tables. 3. Steel furniture bought second-hand such as lockers, dra-
              wer cabinets for plans or ambulance cabinets which become part of the brand. 4.  Erste Skizzen zeigen die Vielseitigkeit des Systems. • Initial sketches show the versatility of the system.
              Individual production – so-called adapters (connecting elements or also supports)
             within the overall composition. In 2020, we submitted RE_FRAME as a vision for the
             German Sustainability Award – an instructive experience. In this call for entries, the
             requirement is to scrutinize the concept to be submitted on various content levels
             such as social relevance, economic viability or feasibility. This scrutiny of one’s own
             work was helpful for the entire subsequent process. In September 2021, we were in-
             vited to develop a concept for a communication area for the DAW SE company. The
             so-called KreativWerkstatt was to be implemented in a central location: in the for-
             mer entrance area. In addition to other more formal approaches, we had also pro-
             posed RE_FRAME for this. Despite its original use in private homes, the concept
             could easily be transferred into the new context. The message of sustainability was
             also to be communicated to the employees in this way. In cooperation with Dr Ralf
             Murjahn, Petra Schmidt and Margit Vollmert, we developed the design based on dif-
             ferent needs. Since the “creative workshop” is to be bookable by all employees, it
             was necessary to demonstrate maximum flexibility of use. On the one hand, there
             was to be a large meeting area for inspiring, creativity-promoting meetings and, on
             the other, a lounge area for coffee and lunch breaks. The communication area can
             be accessed from both front sides.
                                                                           Umnutzen funktioniert auch im Zimmer der Kinder! • Repurposing also works in the children’s room!
             Agile working with mobile building blocks

             The old lockers were our highlight besides the heavy safe! We used them in different
             ways and staged them: Special functional modules were thus developed for agile
             working in the KreativWerkstatt. Here RE_FRAME could be used in a completely new  Mit RE_FRAME wächst das Kinderzimmer zum Jugendzimmer. • The children’s room grows into a youth room.
             way compared to the private living area and, at the same time, shows the flexibility
             of the system. Nevertheless, the principle of framing remains with its effect. Due to
              the size of the modules and the resulting spans, a particularly load-bearing panel ma-
             terial was required. With used, purchased vehicle panels made of beech plywood
              (Delignit), the Schneider joinery from Miltenberg implemented the design. The small
              dimensioning of 24 millimetres is sufficient so that the appearance is elegant and
              light-weight. The tables tell the story of sustainability in a special way: The surface
              is composed of leftover pieces of the board material as a harmonious collage. Like-
              wise, the storage benches made of white glazed maritime pine which flank the
             lounge and the meeting area were made by the Schneider company from leftover ma-
             terials and offcuts from a Mannheim day-care centre interior. The exciting and stimu-
             lating colour concept was developed by Caparol’s FarbDesignStudio. The starting
             point was the colourfulness of the Delignit panels and the existing lockers. The subt-
             lety of the petrol-black of the wall and ceiling colour reacts to the reseda green of the
             lockers as well as to the specific rusty red of the panel material. The colour concept
             mediates between the differently coloured “foundlings” and has a strengthening and
             supporting effect. Also, the use of the fresh, light mint covering of the supporting
              structure is amazing and effective in the overall context. We hope that our work will
              contribute to a change in visual habits and thus to a necessary change in values.

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