Page 107 - AIT0420_E-Paper
P. 107

Entwurf • Design Waterfrom Design, TW-Taipei
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Jing He Science Co., Ltd
                                                                                     Standort • Location Tongde 5th Street 98, TW-Taoyuan
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 270 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Kuomin Lee
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More information on page 150

                                                                                     IDEAL GAS LAB

                                                                                     IN TAOYUAN

                                                                                     To represent the subject of gas in architecture and in-
                                                                                     terior design is not an easy task! The volatile nature of
                                                                                     the medium appears to obviously resist a rigid likeness
                                                                                     in a room. The Waterfrom Design office of interior ar-
                                                                                     chitecture, however, has now found a very indepen-
                                                                                     dent and figurative translation of the subject for the of-
                                                                                     fices of the Taiwanese clean-gas company.

                                                                                     T  he boundary between the two north-Taiwanese city regions Taipei
                                                                                        and Tao yuan is blurred. Highly industrialized and densely popu-
                                                                                     lated, the greater area with its almost nine million inhabitants is one
                                                                                     of the worldwide most important centres of information- and commu-
                                                                                     nication technology. In addition, major engineering companies and
                                                                                     producers of chemicals including suppliers and dealers are located
                                                                                     here. Among the latter is also the Jing He Science company specializing
                                                                                     in selling high-tech gas. Since last year, close to three dozen em-
                                                                                     ployees are working in a new high-rise building at the crossing of
                                                                                     Tongde 5th Street and Zhongzheng Road. The latter is one of the large
                                                                                     arterial roads of Tao yuan and connects the city in the south with the
                                                                                     international airport in the north. The skyscraper itself – with its Co-
                                                                                     rinthian pillared portico, the ornamented sandstone pilaster strips and
                                                                                     the chubby bird figures at the corners of the building – is a rather tragic
                                                                                     example of a late-capitalist pseudo-classicism as it is currently in great
                                                                                     demand in many up-and-coming regions of the world. The office pre-
                                                                                     mises of Jing He Science, in contrast, appeal with a contemporary de-
                                                                                     sign truly worth seeing. The so-called Ideal Gas Lab was planned and
                                                                                     implemented by Waterfrom Design. In the course of the past years, the
                                                                                     office of interior design founded by Nic Lee and headquartered in Tai-
                                                                                     pei and Shanghai has attracted much attention internationally – see
                                                                                     AIT 11/2017, for instance –, also because the works by the office director
                                                                                     trained at the New York Pratt Institute are very much oriented on we-
                                                                                     stern viewing habits. After all, the standard of Taiwan’s interior design
                                                                                     is currently – as is the architecture as well – characterized by rather su-
                                                                                     perficial bling. Here Lee and his Waterfrom Design make for a comfor-
                                                                                     ting contrast. For Jing He Science, he has now very illustratively trans-
                                                                                     lated the subject of gas production, -storing and -transporting into the
                                                                                     design of the office landscape. Thus, for example, disused gas cylin-
                                                                                     ders have been turned into table frames. Rounded and rusty-brown
                                                                                     painted installations – they serve as partitions and storage areas –
             Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  refer to the industrial production of gas.

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