Page 77 - AIT0320_E-Paper
P. 77

Entwurf • Design unparelld'arquitectes, ES-Olot
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Privat
                                                                                     Standort • Location Ronda Paraires, ES-Olot
                                                                                     Wohnfläche • Living space 85 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos José Hevia, ES-Barcelona
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More information on page 142


                                                                                     IN OLOT

                                                                                     Three windows and a staircase – this is the working
                                                                                     title for an apartment that unparelld' arquitectes con-
                                                                                     verted for a young couple in Olot, Spain. Using an un-
                                                                                     conventional colour and material concept, the small,
                                                                                     narrow apartment on the 4th floor was transformed
                                                                                     into a spacious, well-lit maisonette with a classic lay-
                                                                                     out: living and dining downstairs, sleeping upstairs.

                                                                                     T   he aforementioned working title also defined the concept develo-
                                                                                         ped for this project: three rooms separated by walls – kitchen, li-
                                                                                     ving room and bedroom – made the lower level of a maisonette ap-
                                                                                     pear both confined and gloomy. Three, almost floor-to-ceiling wind-
                                                                                     ows facing the street allowed light into one room each, the middle and
                                                                                     largest of which served as a living room and simultaneously as circu-
                                                                                     lation area. The entrance door to the apartment, doors to the bath-
                                                                                     room, kitchen and bedroom, as well as the open staircase to the
                                                                                     upper level did not allow for spaciousness or homely comfort to un-
                                                                                     fold. The structural interventions planned by Eduard Callís and Guil-
                                                                                     lem Moliner from the local architectural office unparelld` arquitectes
                                                                                     proved to be both logical and effective: The separating walls had to be
                                                                                     removed, the kitchen area was used to enlarge the living room, the for-
                                                                                     mer bedroom was turned into the kitchen and – very important – the
             Grundrisse Bestand • Floor plans before Renovation  Grundrisse Umbau • Floor plans after Renovation  new large living room is now bathed in light entering through all of the
                                                                                     three windows. The separation into dining and living is now provided
                                                                                     by the staircase, the length of which has been shortened by adding a
                                                                                     second level. In the living room it serves as a bench in front of the
                                                                                     windows, which now extend down to the floor. On the same level is
                                                                                     the intimate dining rotunda with an integrated bench, which was crea-
                                                                                     ted by installing a curved plasterboard wall. All horizontal surfaces,
                                                                                     including the steps, were uniformly covered with inexpensive OSB pa-
                                                                                     nels, while the circulation area in the hallway – now marked by a par-
                                                                                     tition wall that takes up the step motif of the stairs – was finished with
                                                                                     bright red tiles. These tiles extend into the kitchen and the guest toilet
                                                                                     and visually separate the functional areas from the living/dining room
                                                                                     with its new spacious appearance. Following the same principle, the
                                                                                     walls of the circulation areas, including the stairway to the upper floor,
                                                                                     were also designed in pastel rosé, while the remaining living and slee-
                                                                                     ping areas on both levels were finished in brilliant white. Lovingly de-
                                                                                     signed (staircase) details and airy curtain fabrics visually connect the
             Axonometrie • Axonometry                 Schnitt • Section              levels and also refine the plain and yet robust surfaces.

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