Page 54 - AIT0317_E-Paper
P. 54


                                                                             Die Herangehensweise, ein Konzept mittels zwei fiktiver Personen zu entwi ckeln, war
                                    Hochschule Kaiserslautern                eine völlig neue und interessante Erfahrung für mich. Ich ging noch freier und fan-
                                                                             tasievoller an den Entwurf heran als gewöhnlich. Das Thema Homosexualität in der
                                                       Architektur spielte – zumindest im alltäglichen Leben im privaten Wohnungsbau –
                                    Gründung im 19. Jahrhundert              doch nicht so eine große Rolle, wie ich zunächst angenommen hatte. Dennoch sind
                                    rund 600 Studierende in fünf Fachbereichen  verschiedene Aspekte, wie die Abgrenzung von Privaträumen unter Umständen von
                                                                             großer Wichtigkeit. Das soziale Umfeld der Bewohner ist hier maßgebend. In meinem
                                                                             Entwurf habe ich auf das private Leben mehr  Wert gelegt und ungewöhnliche
                                                                             Verbindungen geschaffen,  wie beispielsweise die offene Badgestaltung, die die
                                                                             Räumlich keiten des hinteren privaten Teils optisch verbindet, oder die davor liegen-
                                                                             den Drehtüren, die keinen Hinweis darauf geben, was sich dahinter verbirgt. Denn
                                                                             Räume, in denen es sich ohne jegliche Ängste leben lässt und die uns fern von den
                                                                             festgefahrenen Strukturen der Gesellschaft halten, sind  vor allem im privaten
                                                                             Wohnungsbau essentiell.  Weiterhin  will ich mit dem  Entwurf  zeigen, dass  zwei
                                                                             Menschen mit so unterschiedlichem Charakter auch auf einer relativ kleinen Fläche
                                                                             ohne Einschränkungen zusammenleben können.

                                                                            L   ast  winter term, I decided to take on a design task under the supervision of
                                                                                Professor Jens Wendland. The task was to convert an already existing loft in the
                                                                             old London district of Shoreditch into an apartment for two persons. The future resi-
                                                                             dents – a couple – are over sixty and open to anything. The loft itself is in the style of
                                                                             “shabby chic” and is currently mainly used as a photo studio. In the course of the con-
                                                                             version, a completely new style was also to be created. In a first step, I analysed the
                                                                             district of Shoreditch: Which are the features that stand out and what is its essence?
                                                                             My research showed that Shoreditch with its typical brick façades of a former workers’
                                                                             district is today a place full of contrasts.   Due to shady pub areas and houses formerly
                                                                             destroyed by the war, it at first looks undemonstrative and derelict. On the other hand,
                                                                             in the course of the past years a large spectrum of artists have spread out and charac-
                                                                             terized the district with artful graffiti, high-quality renovated design offices and unusual
                                                                             fashion stores. Thanks to the growing popularity of Shoreditch, an increasing number
                                                                             of major firms are moving in and demonstrations against the gentrification are today
                                                                             no longer rare. The old Shoreditch is contrasted with a new and gaudy dynamism. In
               Perspektivische Darstellung des Arbeitszimmers • Foreshortened representation of the study  the next step, I focused on the topic of age. How does the daily routine of an already
                                                                             retired person look? What does he do all day once making money no longer plays a
                                                                             major role? I decided that – as soon as one has left the stressful daily working life and
                                                                             the money worries behind – one can concentrate on what is passionately fun and for
                                                                             what perhaps in younger years there had hardly been any time.

                                                                             The loft is characterized by contrasts

                                                                             I quickly realized that, for this design, the boundaries towards the outside world as
                                                                             well as inside the loft were to play an important role. For this purpose, I divided the
                                                                             loft into two zones with two design vocabularies. These areas are connected with
                                                                             level, almost invisible revolving doors. The design vocabulary in the entrance area is
                                                                             characterized by mirrored folding surfaces. The space looks open, free and quite sur-
                                                                             real – a deliberate boundary against the outside. The element runs through the space,
                                                                             forms a cloak room and continues into the adjacent first study. Here lively and socia-
                                                                             ble Michael can pursue his current interests and activities and leave the loft for his
                                                                             daily rounds of jogging and walks without disturbing his partner. The adjacent open
                                                                             living area is characterized by strict rectilinearity. A simple design communicates
                                                                             structure and a feeling of stability and order. The open kitchen island offers the pos-
                                                                             sibility of cooking together and also sitting down with guests. A sitting area in the liv-
                                                                             ing room invites to cosy get-togethers. Through the shared living space, one gets to
                                                                             the private section at the back. An oak wall panel takes up the folded shape of the
                                                                             entrance area and runs from the second study intended for Robert to the shared
                                                                             space for retreating and sleeping. In the area of the second study, it conceals the win-
                                                                             dows so that individual beams of light only penetrate the room through circular open-
                                                                             ings in the panel. In the centre, a seating unit with a work surface and high outer
                                                                             walls forms an oasis in the midst of the books. Here introverted and down-to-earth
                                                                             Robert is able to retreat and dedicate himself completely to his books. The dressing
                                                                             area on the left site of the private section keeps out eyes prying through the windows
                                                                             thanks to its subdivision into individual elements. Above the bed is an element con-
                                                                             sisting of an acrylic-glass cube filled with dried grasses. The sleeping area and the
                                                                             study are visually connected by the private bathroom with a shower which is open
               Schnitt und Grundriss • Cross-section and layout              towards the bedroom and glazed towards the working area.

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