Page 46 - AIT0119_E-Paper
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               Studenten (Bild): Georg Allertseder, Leona Asmußen, Jule Beutelspacher, Kristina Bucaj, Celine Ertzinger, Hendrik Frers, Kima Hakopjan, Selina Koch, Felix Lanckohr, Yaros lav -
                                                                                                                                         Foto: Jochen Stüber
               na Lange, Dau Ring Lual, Mia Meister, Louisa Plundrich, Caroline Richter, Niklas Schöwe, Vivian Schröder, Pia Schwarz, Nisha Stockmann, Rojan Tajbakhsch, Nicola E. Voß, Olga
               Vysotina, Vanessa Wilburger Partner: Koelnmesse, Steelcase, Viccarbe, Bolia, Coalesse, Interface, Gira, Zumtobel, Polyvision, Pfleiderer, Sodexo, Microsoft, Création Baumann

               „Free Space“: Vermittler zwischen Freizeit und Arbeit. • "Free Space": an intermediary between leisure and work.  Das gesamte Standkonzept überzeugte das Publikum. • The entire stand concept convinced the audience.

               für die Vermittlung einer naturverbundenen Freizeitsituation, in der beiläufig Arbeit ver-  into an actual project. As an international forum of the industry, the Cologne Orgatec
               richtet werden kann, ohne sich zu weit von der entspannenden Qualität der Situation zu  leading trade fair seemed to be predestined for this. The project manager of Orgatec
               entfernen. Zum Zentrum hin verdichteten sich die drei Themen und durchmischten sich.  2018, Thomas Postert, offered the students the opportunity to present their concepts
               Hier befand sich auch der „Mindroom“, der als Zentrum für den Austausch und Ort für  in their own special show. A stand was designed which visualizes the perspectives for
               Workshops, Vorträge und Diskussionen diente. Da Kommunikation heute sowohl durch  location-independent and self-determi ned working. Joint interim presentations with
               digitale als auch analoge Zusammenarbeit ermöglicht wird, war die selbstständige In -  Thomas Postert and the partners showed to all those involved which objectives and
               formationsaufnahme zentrales Thema. Die Sonderschau Work to go war auf der Orga tec  guiding principles mattered to the students. “For my fellow students and myself,
               2018 ein Publikumsmagnet und fand in der Fachwelt große Beachtung. Mehr als 800  ‘work to go’ is a chance to present the notion of a kind of working world that is new
               Besucher wollten im Schnitt an jedem Messetag sehen, wie sich eine junge Gene  ration  and better adapted to human beings”, student Pia Schwarz phrased the expectations
               das Arbeiten von morgen vorstellt. Hochschulen und andere Messe gesell schaften infor-  related to the special show. “We believe that our stand concept at the fair will inspire
               mierten sich vor Ort über das Standkonzept, zu dessen Ideen die Studierenden vor Ort  and, hopefully, stimulate many people to think about New York.”
               Rede und Antwort standen. „Work to go ist die neue Arbeitswelt 4.0 – der Arbeitsplatz ist
               heute nicht mehr auf ein und denselben Ort beschränkt“, so der Student Felix Lanckohr.  A stand concept as an interface
               „Die kla ren Grenzen gibt es nicht mehr und es zeigt sich eine Ver bundenheit aller Lebens -
               bereiche, die  neue Möglichkeiten hervorbringt.“              The stand concept for Orgatec was open design with a division into three presentation
                                                                             areas. A central Mindroom was designed as a meeting point for mutual exchanges
                                                                             and a venue for workshops, lectures and discussions. The “Work to go” slogan deve-
               A   s a lecturer of room concept and design, during the summer term 2018 Sabine  loped by the students was to demonstrate the connection between motivation and
                                                                             work environment and, as the central motto, was to stand for the freedom of self-
                   Krumrey with 22 students focused on the future of working. After analyses, ap -
               proaches and based on built projects, comparisons, extreme examples and personal  determined working at any time and in any place. With this, “Work to go” was to be
               experience, the students came up with various starting points and statements. Re -  an interface of what has to be done and the individual possibilities. After the final
               conciling professional and private life, self-determined working within already exi-  presentation by the students in July 2018, the task was to translate and construct the
               sting work structures, creativity, fun and well-being at work, loosening up static struc-  concept of the students. During the semester break, several students attended die im -
               tures as well as networking within different hierarchies and disciplines – those were  plementation of the design in the office of brandherm + krumrey, AIT Dialog and
               just a few of the demands which students have on future working environments. “We  Steel case AG in Munich. The stand had three sections: Office, Home and Free Space.
               cannot always choose what we have to do – how, where and when we accomplish it,  Focussed on communication and flexibility, the Office section represented the new
               however, we should decide” was how student Nicola Voß summed up the need for  working world whereas Home, a modern and cosy living area, invited to work as well
               flexible working. “Go to work” becomes “work to go”.          as relax. Free Space was to demonstrate a leisure situation in touch with nature
                                                                             where work can be casually done without getting too far from the relaxing quality of
               “Go to work” becomes “work to go”                             the situation. Towards the centre, the three topics merged. This is also where the
                                                                             Mind room was located which served as a centre for mutual exchanges and a venue
               The slogan was developed by the students and stands for the freedom of being able  for workshops, lectures and discussions. Since communication is today made possi-
               to do one’s job autonomously at any time and in any place. Characteristic of studying  ble by digital as well as analogue cooperation, self-determined information intake
               at the Hamburg AMD Akademie Mode & Design is a strong practical relevance.  was a central theme. The Work to go special show was a crowd-puller at Orgatec 2018
               Against this back ground, the thought came up to integrate the ideas of the students  and received with great interest by the experts.

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