Kolja Janiszewski

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Kolja Janiszewski

Caramel Architekten | AT-Vienna



  • 1976 born in DE-Hannover
  • 2005 employment – Caramel Architekten zt gmbh AT-Vienna/Linz
  • 2005 employment – Spengler- Wiescholek, DE-Hambrug
  • 2004 employment – Studio Andreas Heller, DE-Hambrug
  • 1997 – 2003 studied at State Academy of Art and Design, Stuttgart, Germany, Diplom Ingenieur in architecture and design
Caramel Architekten

Every time a new challenge

Anew for each project – this is the motto of Caramel architekten.
The office focuses on a successful participation in international competitions – the latest building contracts are a result of these entries. In addition to the realisation of large-scale projects (wifidornbirn, science park Linz, factory building Ansfelden, and School building Krems), the trio dedicates itself to design studies and innovative single-family home projects. Idealism and inventiveness are thereby right at the top; for Caramel, lectures and art projects are the icing on the cake of their everyday architectural work.



Workshop result