Learning by Nature


Marieke Kums

STUDIO MAKS | NL-Rotterdam

Award Winner 2014:
Category Learning




  • 2005 MSc Architecture, TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture


  • since 2013 Jury member, Creative Industries Fund NL
  • Lecturer and guest teacher, American University of Sharjah, Yokohama GSA, Princeton, Harvard GSD, University of Cluj, Romania
  • Teacher, Academy of Architecture in Amsterdam
  • since 2010 Co-Founder, UNION3
  • since 2009 Founder, STUDIO MAKS
  • 2006-2009 Project Architect, SANAA / Kazuyo Sejima & Ryue Nishizawa,Tokyo
  • 2003-2005 OMA / Rem Koolhaas

Our aim is to create new environments for all kinds of people, at every imaginable scale; from urban regions to cities, from buildings to art installations. We try to explore the boundaries of the experience of space and to contribute to the development of the environments in which our daily lives unfold. We explore the juxtapositions and similarities that form the base to the principle of space; old versus new, open versus enclosed, public versus private, hard versus soft, nature versus technology, virtual versus real. Our society changes faster than ever before. Never before we had this many choices to direct our lives. Never before we had such awareness of those things that happen around us, near by and at the same time in other places around the world. The different scenarios are endless; the challenges for architects inexhaustible. Our projects are enlivened by their users; the way they experience the space, interact with that space and one another. Over the years we developed many projects.


  • Naturlich Daheim: Proposal for a new Psychiatric Facility in St. Urban, Switzerland
  • Cloud Table: 70 square meter sized table as a social landscape installation, Salone del Mobile, Milan
  • Learning Landscapes: Proposal for new playgrounds worldwide
  • Cloud Table Milan



Workshop result