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r  Mrs  Große-Berkenbusch,  on  the  homepage  of  structure. My second major project was the redesign
             C.F Møller it is written: “Every day, we create the  of the Carossa district in Berlin-Spandau. In autumn
             kind  of  architectural  quality  which  is  based  on  2019,  C.F  Møller  had  won  the  competition  for  this
             innovation, experience and Nordic values”. Which  masterplan. Of the 1,000 apartments which are to be
             of these values were you fortunate to discover du-  designed, C.F Møller is to realize close to 500 of them.
             ring your traineeship?                    Among them are 1-2 room apartments, larger flats on
             In many areas of life and on every scale – from articles  the upper levels as well as subsidized-, rental- and
             of daily use all the way to major plans urban deve-  senior citizens’ flats. My tasks were extremely varied.
             lopment  –  the  Danes  set  great  store  by  design  and  I participated in the concept development, the establis-
             value. Timelessness as well as the conscious handling  hing of layouts as well as of visualizations and presen-
             of    materials and their environment play a major role.  tation documents. It was  also instructive for  me to
             For the projects on which I collaborated, it was impor-  experience  how  essential  the  regular  exchange  bet-
             tant to find a clear and unpretentious design vocabu-  ween planners, building clients and the city really is
             lary and to avoid losing sight of the human scale. Warm  during the planning process.
             colours  and  materials  add  calm  and  poise  to  the
             Nordic architectural language. Sustainable, ecological  r What are the most important experiences you have
             aspects are likewise of great importance. And timber  been able to take home after your traineeship?
             construction is a topic for which C.F. Møller also poli-  As regards architecture, I learned a lot in the practical
             tically tries to lobby.                  field – programmes, design rules, norms and so on –
                                                       which will no doubt support me in the course of my
             r How is the Copenhagen office structured and what  studies. What I find even more important, however,
             type of traineeship culture is promoted there?  was what I learnt from the normal daily work routine.
             As I had actually expected, I encountered a flat office  Particularly the confidence when communicating with
             hierarchy at C.F. Møller. In Copenhagen, approximately  the  colleagues  in  the  English  language,  the  team-
             50 employees work on projects abroad but also for  work, the decisiveness in issues of projects and the
             the home market. As a trainee, from the very beginning  various perspectives on architecture which I encounte-
             I was very well integrated into the planning processes  red will no doubt in future be very helpful for me. The
             and seen as an equal member of the staff.  Due to the  mixture of different cultures is not only an asset for
             responsibility  put  on  me  and  the  participation  in  the office, it was also one for me personally. Good co-
             internal as well as external meetings, my feeling was  operation, openness and understanding of anything
             soon  confirmed  that  my  opinion  was  also  sought-  new and different were constantly supported. In my
              after. The trainees – between seven and ten – are for  experience, community in general plays a major role  Über 100 Badelemente wie Waschbecken,
                                                                                                    Dusch- & Badewannen aus Mineralwerkstoff
             the majority assigned to the competition department  in  Copenhagen.  In  the  generation  of  students  and  fugenlos kombinieren
             and are mainly from outside Denmark. Most of them  young adults, there are large residential communities
             are from Europe but some are also from countries such  of, in some cases, up to eight people who jointly under-
             as Columbia, Ecuador or China. This mixture makes  take and share a lot.
             it all the more interesting. Thanks to the diverse expe-                               INDIVIDUELLE
             riences  which  each  trainee  contributes,  they  are  r A stay abroad always also offers the chance to
             able to learn a lot from each other every day. Projects  broaden one’s own horizon outside of work. What  BADLÖSUNGEN
             are  practically  always  carried  as  a  team  and  with  was your programme?
             constant coordination with the partners. The general  Copenhagen constantly offers something. It is a very
             policy is: everyone helps everyone else. Teamwork is  young, very lively city. At the beginning of my stay, the
             writ large and those permanently employed are very  annual architecture festival took place. It was followed   » neue Waschbecken in verschiedenen
             supportive of the trainees and open for questions and  by a number of additoal events, music festivals and    Größen und Formen fugenlos
             recommendations.                          exhibitions. During my first summer, I spent a lot of  kombinierbar mit Corian  & Hi-Macs ®
                                                       time exploring the city and its attractive surroundings
             r  You  have  worked  in  the  Copenhagen  office  for  by bicycle and going swimming in the canal which runs  » durchgängiges Design für
             14 months, initially as a trainee, then as a student  right through the city centre. Since I also shared my    Becken, Dusch- & Badewannen
             assistant. Which were your tasks, and which were  living quarters with Danes, I had the opportunity to    aus acrylgebundenem Mineralwerkstoff
             the projects to which you were allowed to contri-  also share the cultural traditions of the Danes and to
             bute?                                    take part in their lives in general. These were also in-  » exakt nach Maß & Kundenwunsch
             Thanks to the wide variety of projects at C.F. Møller,  teresting, eventful experiences. Denmark and Germany  » europaweit führender Zulieferspezialist
             I was able to get familiar with different departments.  do not differ all that much at first glance. Different    in der Mineralwerkstoff-Verarbeitung
             During my first months, I worked for the competition  traditions,  however,  do  exist.  Starting  at  the  end
              department and was thus able to contribute my work  of  November,  Christmas  is  very  perseveringly  cele-   !"#$%!&'#(!)*!+,-(#.!/!#0$'1#(!2!
             to several larger and smaller projects. One of my first  brated with friends, family members and office collea-    innovativer Partner von Architektur
             projects was Bellerivestraße 36 on Lake Zurich. The  gues in the form of a very special Christmas lunch with    & Handwerk
             outdated office building from the 1970s was to be con-  a large choice of traditional dishes and going on until
             verted into a modern, sustainable office building accor-  late into the night. On the occasion of midsummer, on
             ding the Swiss Minergie-A energy standards. My task  Sankt Hans Day, a large fire is built on a raft in the
             was the new planning of the layouts. In addition, I  water where a witch is said to be burned. And, as is
             researched how the old building can be turned into a  customary in Denmark at most celebrations, numerous  Hasenkopf Industrie Manufaktur GmbH
             modern office building also in view of the building  songs are always sung together in the evenings.   Stöcklstraße 1-2 · 84561 Mehring · Germany
                                                                                                    T +49 . (0) 86 77 . 98 47 0 ·
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