Page 4 - AIT1119_Wandlunsgraeume
P. 4

a traditional nomad tent. Six sculptural elements when pushed together form a self-con-
                tained cell and thus a kind of tent. The special feature here is that the elements never  Irina Janzen – Wabsign
                fully touch each other, which resulted in the project title: Berührung (Touch). The joints
                between the individual elements allow a natural incidence of light, while a shadow gap  1984 in Primalkinskoje im Nordkaukasus/GUS geboren 2002–2004
                on the floor creates a floating appearance that conveys a certain lightness despite the  Ausbildung an der Höheren Handelsschule, Bielefeld seit 2018 Stu-
                size and, above all, the height of the furniture of three metres. The intention was to  dium Architektur, FH Bielefeld
                make the piece of furniture itself a meeting place for young people. Versatile possible
                uses were important to us, which result from different arrangement of the elements.
                Many new spatial situations are possible: from the closed cell for an individual, an open
                variant in which a community can come together, to a juxtaposition of individual ele-
                ments to create space for small groups, through to free dispersal. We have combined
                the static furniture with a soft equivalent – the beanbag. For cost reasons, but also be-
                cause of the simplicity of the material, we decided on a variant made of a medium-den-
                sity wood fibre board (MDF) with an elegant tip and details made of stainless steel. In
                addition to aesthetically rounding off the element, the stainless steel tip also solves the
                problem of the complicated cutting of the tip from MDF material. It was clear to us that
                the sculptural form with the flat surfaces had to be maintained and so we created sto-
                rage spaces in the entire element that are closed with doors via push mechanisms. The
                lower part of the furniture contains a small library while the adjacent side flaps provide
                storage space for small items. The upper part can be used to stow the beanbags when
                no longer needed, and the furniture is pushed against a wall. In this position, too, "Be-
                rührung" is by no means without use: in the "park position" a hidden library corridor is
                created between the wall and the furniture. (...)

                Screen Eklipse: New perspectives help with orientation
                by Jannis Kresse
                (...) People are trapped in Plato's allegory of the cave. They look at a wall onto which
                things are projected. They consider these to be reality. After their liberation they expe-  Einzelne Einheiten bilden Tische mit Sitzgelegenheiten. • Individual units form tables with seating.
                rience the real world, realise what is really important. In its essence, the Space Devel-
                oper Eklipse supports this idea. With its transparent elements, groups can create new  Im System entstehen Wände mit variablem Erscheinungsbild. • In the system: walls with a variable appearance
                worlds in which they can work out themes, present results and exchange with one anot-
                her. It is possible to create spaces that resemble clearings or labyrinths, where people
                can find themselves or jointly explore new paths. These new perspectives reflect the fa-
                cets of growing up and help young people to orient themselves in the real world. The
                Eklipse Space Developer can be used to quickly and easily create rooms of various sizes
                and shapes that are suitable for numerous uses. The black and white elements can be
                placed next to and in front of each other in different arrangements and thus provide not
                only a spatial design but also a transparent field of vision of different intensities. The
                evolving areas thus serve both as closed boundaries and as open presentation areas
                where one can play with light and shadow. The partitions also offer the possibility of
                attaching presentation material to the frame with magnets or gluing it to the panels.
                Thus, the rooms are also suitable for organising exhibitions inside them or using them
                as a basis for a stage set. The Space Developer can be produced with little effort. The
                basic material for the transparent elements is multi-skin sheets in various colours. Cor-
                responding C-profiles for the frame can be supplied and the fasteners, and small iron
                parts are available in the required dimensions. (...)
                Modular system Wabsign: A construction with integrated furniture
                by Irina Janzen
                (...) Our guiding idea describes a system with integrated furniture. It is easy to assemble
                and dismantle, contemporary, meets the needs of the parish and, at the same time, can
                create a retreat for young people. The addition of the honeycombs creates a storage area
                and the seats can be integrated into the system when they are not in use. When stacked
                horizontally, a table surface is possible. The modules are made of metal, as this allows
                a slim design and high stability. The initial plan was to manufacture the module from
                wood. However, since such a framework would be too massive to achieve a certain
                strength, we had to resort to a more hard-wearing material. Aluminium was a choice,
                but would have been too expensive. After careful consideration, we opted for the cost-
                effective steel variant. We have adapted the proportions to an average person to create
                an ergonomic and comfortable seat. Stacked honeycombs should not exceed a height
                that adolescents can reach with their body height. The weight of our construction was
                also an important component, as the honeycombs can be arranged vertically and hori-
                zontally and should be easy to handle by everyone.
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