Page 5 - AIT1024_Hundetrainerin
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                                                                         r Urban redensification as a means of creating housing space brings with it greater
                                                                         population density. You also offer dog training for “city dogs”. What do the pets
                                                                         and their owners learn?
                                                                         Life in a big city is a real challenge for dogs. We expect them to take part in all our
                                                                         everyday activities: to the office in the morning, to the café at lunchtime, through the
                                                                         city traffic home in the evening by underground or car and perhaps a quick trip to the
                                                                         supermarket, where the dog has to wait outside alone. Many dogs can do this, but
                                                                         it’s an incredible amount of behaviour that we expect. What is possible depends very
                                                                         much on the character, genetics and history of the dog. In Munich, there are a lot of
                                                                         animal-welfare dogs that come from rural areas or shelters and have now ended up
                                                                         in the hustle and bustle of the city. But it’s not just dogs who have been rescued from
                                                                         shelters also located abroad, puppies and young dogs also need to be slowly introduced
                                                                         to the urban environment with its abundance of new and confusing stimuli. In my “city
                                                                         dogs” training programme, one of the first exercises is observation. We sit down, the
                                                                         dogs get something to chew on and can process the impressions. I explain the dog’s
                                                                         body language and give tips on how you can have a calming effect on your dog and
                                                                         organize everyday life in such a way that the dog gets the necessary “refuelling points”.
                                                                         We do street training so that the dog is safe in traffic and the owner learns correct lead
                                                                         handling. We take the lift to the underground platform and stay there to give the dog
                                                                         time to get used to the situation. In beer gardens and cafés, the dog learns to lie quietly
                                                                         on his blanket and not to chase the waiter away just because he approaches and want
                                                                         to take the order. I give advice on how to integrate calm and rituals into hectic everyday
                                                                         life. Rituals help dogs to cope better with stimuli.

                                                                         r bellobravo! also offers a wide range of courses. What other skills do owners and
                                                                         their four-legged friends learn from you?
                                                                         Understanding your own dog is the most important thing for me personally. Dogs never
                                                                         do anything to annoy their humans, but are often in conflict. It’s important that people
                                                                         react calmly and competently. In addition, you shouldn’t take some things too seriously
                                                                         and, especially with young dogs, smile and look at the situation with a sense of humour.
                                                                         A holistic view is also important to me. If a dog is aggressive, I always ask: Why? Is he
                                                                         scared? Frustrated? Is he in pain? Has he had too much hustle and bustle during the day,
           Landuris: „Für mich ist das mein absoluter Traumberuf.“ • Landuris: “For me, this is my absolute dream job.”  no rest or too many stress hormones? What food is he being fed? A systemic approach and
                                                                         a comprehensive view are important to me, and I impart this expertise to my clients. Last
                                                                         but not least, of course, it’s also about all the training tools and commands that help us to
                                                                         move about safely and relaxed together in everyday life.
            „Im Hundetraining ist Empathie entscheidend.

           Man muss sich ständig auf neue Mensch-Hund-                   r Single-family homes are one of the most common building tasks for architects.
                                                                         The dog kennel – matching the house – is still largely undiscovered as a design
              Teams einstellen, deren individuellen Alltag               task. Frank Lloyd Wright had actually designed a “dog house” in 1956. Surely there
                    und deren Ziele berücksichtigen.“                    is still design potential in the tiny house for dogs...
                                                                         Definitely. We actually have a small hut for our dog. However, it looks more like a stool
                               Nadine Landuris                           with a padded surface in case she prefers to lie on her “roof terrace”. At the bottom,
                                                                         it has “cave” screened on all side into which Molly can retreat. This also provides
                                                                         acoustic protection. Of course, there were thoughts of offering this “hut” as a product.
                                                                         However, I have not pursued this so far. If manufacturers read this, they are welcome
           Outdoor-Übungen: Viel an der frischen Luft. • Outdoor exercises: Lots of fresh air.  to get in touch ...
                                                                         r What prerequisites should anyone have who is interested in working as a dog
                                                                         trainer? And what skills from your previous career as an interior designer will
                                                                         definitely stand you in good stead?
                                                                         Empathy is crucial in dog training. You have to constantly adapt to new human-dog
                                                                         teams and take their individual everyday lives and goals into account – just like in
                                                                         interior design. There’s no point in training according to a set plan. The training must
                                                                         be tailored to the individuals and their everyday life. To do this, it is important to listen
                                                                         carefully, understand the problems and wishes and observe and analyse situations
                                                                         precisely. Finally, everything should be explained in a calm, structured and empathetic
                                                                         manner always while doing one’s best to keep up the motivation of both humans and
                                                                         dogs. You should be physically fit and love being outdoors in all kinds of weather,
                                                                         talking a lot and being the centre of attention both for humans and for dogs. Thanks to
                                                                         my design skills, I have been able to develop my corporate design completely by myself.
                                                                         Of course, it saves money if you can create a logo, website, flyers and more yourself,
                                                                         especially when you’re setting up a company.

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