Page 4 - AIT0922_RoofKIT
P. 4

rey are consistently oriented on the ideal of single-origin and circular construction
             and the energy need is completely met by renewable sources. In all of the design
             studies which were based on each other, the building design was developed from
             urban development all the way to the constructional detail, elaborated and finally
             transferred onto an actual building project. This House Demonstration Unit fol-
             lows all the important principles of the overall design in a condensed form and
             was very specifically established for the event of the Solar Decathlon in Wupper-
             tal. The unit rests on a scaffold construction in order to show its objective as a sto-
             rey-adding design strategy. The publicly accessible ground floor represents the
             “urban floor”. All the used elements on this level are only borrowed for the dura-
             tion of the Solar Decathlon competition and can later be used in the same way as
             before without any loss of quality.

             The focus of the construction is on consistent circularity

             Inside the building unit itself, a flat for up to two people is organized around a
             technology core that contains the installations and the built-in furniture for the
             kitchen and the bathroom. The flexibly adjustable room concept for the living
             areas makes the efficient use of the flat possible. In line with a circular building
             method, the entire construction has been designed as a wood-module building in
             such a way that it can be completely disassembled into its components again.
             Bonding, adhesive, foam, lacquer and silicone were foregone in favour of precise
             mechanical connections. Only three categories of materials and building elements
              have been used: those that can be reused, recycled and natural, renewable mate-
              rials. In the final result, the reused building elements such as pre-used oak beams
             or waste-wood boards with patina contrast the skilfully designed natural materials
              such as untreated ash-wood flooring, stretched, acoustically effective wool felt on
             the walls and the ceiling and wall plaster of pure clay. Both types of materials are
             combined with recycled sheet materials consisting of melted-down yoghurt cups,
             reused glass fragments or compressed waste cellulose. Into all the openings of the
             prototype, reused warehouse windows in different forms and dimensions have
             been installed. In this way, the team demonstrates how a design process starting
             out from what is currently available is also able to succeed. The cautious use of
             resources thus leads to new design potential.

             RoofKIT’s regenerative energyas trailblazerin change ofconstruction

             A synthesis of passive measures for a high quality of the room climate and tech-
             nical solutions for the energy supply is aimed at year-round climate-neutrality.
             High-quality thermal insulation and decentralized ventilation heat recovery mini-
             mize the heating requirement, and the use of solar energy and daylight likewise  2.–6.10.2022
             contribute to the low energy consumption. For a passive cooling strategy, clay pa-
             nels have been integrated on the additional floor which keep the inside tempera-  Frankfurt am Main
             tures in the desired comfortable zone. The thermal mass in both parts of the buil-
             ding is discharged at night with uplift-controlled natural ventilation. The energy
              supply is based on PVT collectors on the roof which supply electricity and heat at
              the same time and, thanks to their rusty-brown colour, perfectly fit into the design  Intelligent
             of the building. Daylight and artificial light for our project has from the beginning
              been part of the architectural design and taken into consideration. With the arran-
              gement and size of the openings and the protection against the sun, the building  Intelligentes Energiemanagement
              envelope has been architecturally designed in such a way that optimum supply of  und Gebäude, die mitdenken.
              daylight for a healthy living comfort and a pleasant spatial effect are made possi-  Zukunft und Innovationen zum
             ble and, in addition, important sight connections to the outside world are produ-  Anfassen.
             ced. Complementing the necessary need of daylight, the artificial lighting also en-
             sures a healthy and aesthetic light atmosphere for high visual comfort everywhere.
             The lighting solutions have been implemented with current LED technology and
             innovative user-oriented light control. The products have been carefully chosen in
             such a way that they follow the overall architectural main concept and comply
             with all of the basic ideas of sustainability as well as of recycling economy. The  Weltleitmesse für Licht
             melanopically effective light of the full basic illumination with biodynamic adjust-  und Gebäudetechnik
              ment to the natural course of daylight is being combined with high flexible, por-
             table luminaires with which the residents are able to decide in favour of indivi-
             dual areas lit with various intensities.
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