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                                    Universität Stuttgart

                                    1829 gegründet      28.000 Studierende
                                    10 Fakultäten       263 Professoren
                                    150 Institute

                                                                             F  rom October 2015 to April 2016, we developed the concept of a "Meeting Room
                                                                                for Refugees and Citizens of Stuttgart" in the context of our master thesis at the
                                                                             Faculty of Architecture at the University of Stuttgart. From April 2016, Theresa Hölz,
                                                                             Hanna Müller, Mathias Kreutz, and several other students  were involved in the
                                                                             design, execution, approval, and detailed planning as well as the practical implemen-
                                                                             tation on the construction site and the documentation of the student do-it-yourself
                                                                             project. One of the inspirations for the "Begegnungsraum" (meeting place) was the
                                                                             consideration of the social role we play as prospective architects in the immigration
                                                                             debate. On the other hand, we were concerned with the question of whether partici-
                                                                             patory processes within architecture can be used to bring together established and
                                                                             new neighbours, thereby strengthening the integration of refugees. At our initiative
                                                                             and under the direction of Professor Peter Cheret and in cooperation with the two uni-
                                                                             versity platforms e1nszue1ns and Stuttgart Change Labs, the non-profit project
                                                                             "Begegnungsraum" could take place as a practical course at the Faculty of
                                                                             Architecture and Urban Planning of the University of Stuttgart as of April 2016.

               Freiwillige Helfer, Material- und Geldspenden ermöglichten ... • Volunteers, material and financial donations ...  Emergence of a common meeting place

                                                                             The "Begegnungsraum für Geflüchteten und Stuttgarter BürgerInnen" ("meeting place
                                                                             for refugees and citizens of Stuttgart") was built on the site of two system accommo-
               ... die Realisierung des Begegnungsraumes. • ... made the realisation of the meeting room possible.
                                                                             dations for refugees on Breitscheidstraße in the centre of Stuttgart. In August 2016,
                                                                             this temporary housing was occupied by 147 refugees, including 70 children and ado-
                                                                             lescents. An in-depth analysis of the accommodation for refugees in Stuttgart and the
                                                                             examination of the spatial situations revealed that there are few places with spatial
                                                                             quality where refugees and citizens of Stuttgart can actively meet on neutral ground.
                                                                             Our room is intended as a meeting place for cultural exchange, which provides not
                                                                             only areas for encounters but also quiet places for learning and taking a deep breath.
                                                                             We see the project as a way of assuming social responsibility and contributing to
                                                                             neighbourhood networking. The new community has been strengthened both by the
                                                                             cooperation of Stuttgart citizens and refugees during the construction phase and by
                                                                             the joint use of the building since its completion in October 2017. The special thing
                                                                             about the "meeting place" is certainly that from September 2016 it was self-construc-
                                                                             ted by volunteers together with refugees, citizens, experts, and students and imple-
                                                                             mented with donated materials as well as private and foundation funding. In work-
                                                                             shops, as well as during the joint planning and construction period, we tried to get
                                                                             refugees out of their passive role into an active one and to give them back a certain
                                                                             amount of responsibility and self-determination in their everyday life.
               Grundriss Begegnungsraum und Systemunterkünfte  • Floor plan of meeting room and system accommodations
                                                                             From a do-it-yourself project to a living urban component

                                                                             The building comprises two rooms: The meeting room is used by the people living in
                                                                             the accommodation as an extended living space, but also by the organisers and volun-
                                                                             teers for cultural events similar to the World Café format. The learning room is availa-
                                                                             ble to refugees together with social workers and volunteers for homework assistance,
                                                                             German language courses, and lectures. This room is used for quiet activities and, unli-
                                                                             ke the meeting room, it is not accessible from the street. A functional core in the centre
                                                                             separates the two uses from each other. It accommodates a tea kitchen and a toilet.
                                                                             The building creates integration for the new neighbours at the interface between esca-
                                                                             pe and arrival. The small urban component should radiate a homely, warm atmosphe-
                                                                             re, which is created by the use of natural building materials. Completion lays the foun-
                                                                             dation for encounter, exchange, and education. Contacts between the refugees living
                                                                             in the accommodations, refugees interested in studying, students, as well as the citi-
                                                                             zens of Stuttgart during the construction project enable the building to establish and
                                                                             consolidate itself as an institution within the city society and, at best, beyond that.

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