Page 3 - AIT0624_Raumkapsel
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                                Pirmin Rasch                                                 Tillmann Huber

                                1999 geboren                                                 1997 geboren
                                2015 Ausbildung zum Industriemechaniker 2020 Bauhelfer       2017–2020 Ausbildung zum Zimmermann
                                seit 2020 Studium der Architektur, HFT Stuttgart             seit 2020 Studium der Architektur, HFT Stuttgart

                                                                                                Schloss Lageplan • Castle site view

                                                                                                Raumkapsel Erdgeschoss • Space capsule ground floor plan

           Intimer Rückzug in Seekiefer: der Innenraum der Wohnkapsel • Intimate retreat in maritime pine: the interior.  Grundriss • Floor plan  Raumkapsel Obergeschoss • Space capsule upper floor plan

           C   ompared to many other castles in Germany, Kannawurf Castle north of Erfurt is   capsule stands in its own cluster and can be positioned in such a way that guests each
               anything but a deserted place. Over the past 20 years, its owners have turned  have a private area equipped with a table and stools. There will also be communal
           the complex with its stables, barns and Renaissance garden into a meeting place for   areas with a kitchen and sanitary facilities. In keeping with the basic spatial concept,
           art lovers, music enthusiasts and history buffs Nevertheless, several of the castle’s  the construction of the room capsule is also clear and simple: The prototype we rea-
           outbuildings remain unused. To remedy this situation, we travelled to the castle in   lized cost around 1,300 euros and was left natural on the inside, whereas the outside
           July 2023 to develop new use concepts over the course of four days and to illustrate   was given a green linseed-oil glaze. In addition to the round window openings, the
           and test the ideas with mock-ups. We realized that there was a need for temporary   capsule ultimately also has a skylight preventing warm air from building up during
           accommodation and chose the empty hayloft of the former cowshed for our project.   the hot months and providing a view into the roof structure of the hayloft. In contrast,
           Based on the house-in-house principle, we designed micro-apartments with minimal   the capsule volume of just under ten cubic metres can be sufficiently warmed in cold
           volume for the well-preserved attic space already gridded by the supporting structure.   months with the planned insulation and glazing with the aid of two candles and the
           In this way, the feeling of spaciousness in the attic is preserved. The design of the   body heat of a person. The energetic refurbishment of an existing building is thus
           free-standing cell was based on the necessary functions of a minimalist retreat: on two   reinterpreted, as the entire room does not have to be “wrapped” with insulation. By
           levels and a floor area of two by 1.50 metres, the “room capsule” contains a sleeping   relocating work- and cooking areas to the open-plan space, a considerable reduction
           area, a desk and a wardrobe. In order to keep the overall volume small, the sleeping   in the room volume to be insulated is achieved. Our project therefore clearly shows
           level is positioned to a height of 1.60 metres. The desk below runs the entire length of   that the creative use of existing buildings offers new opportunities. We have also
           the capsule and merges into the wardrobe over a corner. Ten of these room capsules   succeeded in developing new living space in a resource-saving and cost-effective way,
           can be accommodated in the existing load-bearing grid of the roof structure. Each  which can lead to the further revitalization of the historic site – a win-win situation.

           046  •  AIT 6.2024
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