Page 5 - AIT0618_KubotaBachmann
P. 5

M   rs Menninger, Kubota & Bachmann Architects take part in remarkably many  strong self-confidence for one’s projects. While studying in Germany, one is often
                                                                              obliged to focus on functionality and restraint which probably also makes sense for
                    international competitions.  The objectives are frequently major cultural
                projects. Which are the individual strengths which the three partners contribute?   those who are still learning. At Kubota & Bachmann, the goal is not necessarily a com-
                Considering the cultural backgrounds of a Japanese, a Swiss and a Spaniard who   pact, solid and economical solution but the uniqueness of the design. During my
                have been living and working in France for many years, four nationalities in fact  internship, I often experienced that my ideas for a project were too strict. According
                merge at Kubota & Bachmann Architects. The office has an international orientation.  to my bosses, I should “distance myself more and design more freely”. Participating
                All three partners bring along ample experience  with large projects by  various   in an open competition and seeing one’s concept through without any compromise
                offices.  Toshihiro, Francesco and  Yves met in the Atelier Jean Nouvel.  Toshihiro  seems very bold to me. This is probably a side effect of the professional experience
                Kubota had been  working as an office partner on numerous major projects all  of all three partners.
                over the world. Among them were the Copenhagen Concert Hall, the Philharmonie
                de Paris and the Louvre Abu Dhabi.  Toshihiro has a good feeling for space and  r Which were your tasks as an intern and in which projects were you allowed to
                the  modelling  of  free  forms.  Francisco  Martinez  stands  out with  plenty  of  special  participate?
                knowledge regarding construction. Among other projects, he worked on the Torre  We took part in three competitions in Germany during my internship. My main tasks
                Agbar in Barcelona from beginning to end.  Yves Bachmann, graduate from the   as a German architecture student  were to familiarize myself  with the spatial
                Bern University of Applied Sciences, initially also worked with Nouvel in Paris, later  programme, to translate and to point to important requirements. In addition,
                at Iria Degen Interiors in Zurich. As a project manager, he was there responsible   building standards had to be comprehensibly explained in French which was not
                for international projects for luxury hotels and residences. No doubt strong self-con-  always all that easy. Before submitting them for the competition, the plans finally had
                fidence  was generated by these tasks.  What seems even more important to me,   to be translated into German. A further project, in which I participated again and
                however, is that the working together of the three partners exponentially increases the  again from beginning to end, was the planning of a one-family home in Spain. In an
                courage and the readiness to not only participate in “domestic” competitions. Besides  earlier design phase, I assisted Francisco Martinez and he took my opinion very seri-
                the joint work in the office, all three always also participate independently in projects  ously. Most of the time, we worked as a team of four in the office, always two on one
                of their own.                                                 project. Francisco, Toshihiro, another intern and I. Yves was working in Switzerland.
                                                                              The  geographical  distance  was  no  obstacle  for  jointly  working  on  the  project.
                r In your opinion, on which shared values, on which architecture approach are  The  cooperation between me  and Toshihiro was very  direct. Toshihiro  planned  a
                the designs by Kubota & Bachmann Architects based? And what were you able to  project, briefly explained it to me and then had me draw the plans with the auto-CAD.
                learn from your bosses?                                       These plans  were step-by-step controlled, criticized and finally corrected.  Work
                It sounds very banal, but I think it is individuality. The opposite would be boredom.  models or models generated  with the Rhino 3-D programme  were also part of
                I believe that the time at Nouvel very much influenced their architectural approach.  my tasks. In addition, I searched for interesting competitions on platforms in the
                In large offices, one much rather learns to take more of a chance and to develop  German language.

                                                                            AUF MASS

                                                                            JETZT NEU


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                                                                                             exakt in jede Planung
                                                                                             TECEdrainprofi le ist das  Edelstahl-Duschprofi l der
                                                                                             nächsten Generation – es lässt sich indivi duell
                                                                                             ablängen und fügt sich damit in  jedes Maß ein.
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