Page 4 - AIT0517_Leipzig
P. 4

Foto: Anne-Katrin Hutschenreuter / annabelle sagt  Foto: Sandrino Donnhauser

                Renkli (13) 2016 von • by Fatih Demirbas  Villa Hasenholz (17) 1873 / 2009 von • by Ottomar Jummel / Marion Salzmann

                T   hree years ago, when we deliberated about where  installation by the artist  Tilo Schulz  which consists  through the many bars bordering the street which is 2.5
                    we wanted to settle with our studio, only Leipzig
                                                         of 144 glass cubes in  various colours embedded in
                                                                                                  kilometres long.
                was really eligible. Leipzig is currently undergoing an  the ground.
                exciting change. Like in Berlin, much is being invested  11.30 a.m. –  We  walk on in the direction of  Sunday: Something alternative culture
                and renovated, sold, destroyed and reconstructed. An  Augustusplatz where the Leipzig Opera (6) built in 1960
                eldorado for young creative minds who are looking for  is located. Opposite it, Rudolf Skoda together  with  9 a.m. – Today, we go by car to the Schleußig district
                room to develop and for all those who appreciate a life  Eberhard Göschel, Volker Sieg and Winfried Sziegoleit  located west of the inner city. Here we stop at Jimmy
                with art and culture.                    completed the Gewandhaus (7) in 1981. For the foyers  Orpheus where delicious coffee specialities are served
                                                         spread across several levels, the artist Sighard Gille  and  we fortify ourselves for the athletic part of the
                Saturday: Exploring the city’s history   created the 714 square-metre ceiling painting “Gesang  weekend.
                                                         vom Leben” which can be seen from the square. For  10.30 a.m. – On to the boat rental at Klingerweg (14)
                9 a.m. – For spending the night, we recommend the  better orientation, we now climb the City-Hochhaus (8)  on the river bank of a Saale tributary, the Weiße Elster.
                Hotel Fregehaus (1). Hostess Sabine Fuchshuber is an  from 1972. At a height of 120 metres, we enjoy the view  That is because we will now explore Leipzig from the
                architect herself and, together  with the Fuchshuber  from the observation deck.  water and row west on the Weiße Elster the Karl Heine
                Architekten  office,  in  2014  revived  the  historic  mer-  12.30 p.m. – Continuing on towards Roßplatz, we get to  Kanal. On our tour, among other buildings we pass the
                chant’s house. Through a gate, you arrive in a hidden,  the Ringbebauung (9) of 1955 – a typical example of  former Buntgarnwerken which were converted into resi-
                greened courtyard. The enchanting saltoflorale store next  GDR architecture in the style of socialist classicism. This  dential lofts in 1999.
                door sells beautiful flower arrangements and bouquets.  is where the terra rossa gallery for contemporary cera-  12.30 p.m. – Back on firm ground again, we have lunch
                After breakfast with regional delicacies in the hotel, we  mics is hidden. After the many impressions, we enjoy  in the  Stelzenhaus restaurant  (15) we already rowed
                treat ourselves to an ice cream at the Milchbar Pinguin  lunch in the charming Café Cantona (10).  past. For those who prefer a more casual setting, we
                (2) diagonally across from the hotel and amble on to the  2.30 p.m. – Newly invigorated, we have a visit to the  recommend the nearby Kaiserbad restaurant.
                market square. The Stadtgeschichte Museum has been  exhibition in the Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst GfzK  2 p.m. – In the Kunstkraftwerk (16) – likewise located
                located in the old city hall since 1909.  The  Alte  (11) on our schedule. But prior to that, we gather even  at the Kanal – we visit the exhibition. The former hea-
                Handelsbörse (3) behind it is the oldest assembly buil-  more energy in the Clara Zetkin Park. On the way there,  ting plant in the Lindenau district was in operation until
                ding in Leipzig. Across Naschmarkt,  we arrive at the  we pass the main building of the Bibliotheca Albertina  1992. Since 2016, changing exhibitions and events take
                magnificent Mädler Passage (4) from 1914. On the lower  university library. In the museum café, which is periodi-  place in the premises converted by the architect Ulrich
                floor is the Auerbachs Keller restaurant, where Goethe  cally redesigned by artists, we let the exhibition sink in  Maldinger.
                already often liked spend time while studying in Leipzig.  and then leisurely stroll back into the city centre.   3.30 p.m. – We have our afternoon coffee in the listed
                10.30 a.m. – We walk  on  to  Nikolaikirche (5). In  6 p.m. – For the evening, we recommend reserving a  Villa Hasenholz (17), idyllically located on the edge of
                autumn 1989, Leipzig’s oldest and largest church was  table at the  Max Enk  restaurant (12). In 2013,  the Leipzig Auenwald. Already at the turn of the century,
                the central starting point for the Peaceful Revolution in  Fuchshuber Architekten created a particularly elegant  day trippers looking for recreation enjoyed the villa with
                the GDR. The interior is unique: In the course of the  ambience in the Städtisches Kaufhaus from 1901. Here  a ballroom from the Wilhelminian era.
                Enlightenment and the Revolution Architecture, city  we end the day with Leipziger Allerlei, a typical mixed-  6.30 p.m. – For dinner, we drive back to Lindenau and
                building master Johann Carl Friedrich Dauthe converted  vegetables dish. Afterwards, we once again look at the  stroll through the streets where the vacant stores are
                the interior into classicist style between 1784 and 1797.  listed, festively illuminated Leipzig Opera as a success-  currently being occupied. Just recently opened here is
                In remembrance of the Peaceful Revolution of 1989, the  ful example of the architecture of the 1950s. Those who  the Pekar (18) as a mobile pizzeria using regional ingre-
                Peace Pillar was installed in Nikolai square in 1999. This  still have energy left, stop at the Renkli wine bar (13)  dients. But one can also eat on site in the rooms imagi-
                was followed in 2003 by a granite fountain designed by  opened in 2016 at the beginning of the famous “KarLi”  natively planned by the Hamburg designer Till Richter
                the British architect David Chipperfield and a light  (Karl-Liebknecht-Straße) and afterwards continue on  and enjoy a relaxed ending to  the eventful weekend.

                                                                                                                              AIT 5.2017  •  063
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