Page 3 - AIT0325_EinNeuesDaheim
P. 3


                              Schmiede •

                      Herrenhaus •
                      Manor house

                                        Speicher •

           Lageplan im Modell • Site view in the model                   Im Modell werden die neuen Raum-Riegel deutlich. • The model shows the different inserted elongated spaces.

           Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan  Grundriss 1. Obergeschoss • Floor plan level +1  Grundriss 3. Obergeschoss • Floor plan level +3

           A  home should be a place that provides security, warmth and comfort. In 2017, over   and dark grey-green for circulation zones. The elongated café space on the ground floor is
                                                                         the only diagonal element, aligning with the manor house, which hosts three residential
              15,000 children and young people in Lower Saxony were unable to live with their
           families or required support. As part of my master’s thesis, entitled “Daheim” (home),  groups. The forge accommodates administrative offices and meeting rooms for child and
           a space is being created at Rittergut Thiede – a currently unused building ensemble   youth welfare services. The grain store is the design’s centrepiece. Its ground floor fea-
           from 1704 in Salzgitter – to offer such a home for children and adolescents. It consists   tures the café, kitchen and sanitary facilities. The first floor houses a large activity room
           of a manor house, a granary, a forge, an adjoining park and surrounding green spaces,   and a smaller discussion room for day-care activities. On the second floor, the day-care
           comprising a total area of around 15,000 square metres. Conversion plans include four   spaces are complemented with workspaces. The attic houses a residential unit for eight
           residential groups and a day-care facility, complemented by a café and event space. The   adolescents aged 15 to 17. This unit includes a communal living areas, a balcony, single
           design is based on six key principles: existing and new structures, interplay of forms,  and double bedrooms, three bathrooms, and a caregiver’s room. The design’s cohesive
           elongated spaces, room-in-room concept, retreat and interaction, and spanning buildings.  material and colour concept unifies the ensemble. The historical brickwork is contrasted
           It integrates existing and new elements, evident in the materials and associated colours.   with light spruce wood floors and furniture, accented by varying shades of green that
           The shapes of the new building differ from those of existing structures, resulting in an  reflect the surrounding natural environment. The historical elements are warmer and
           alternation of angular, hard and round, soft shapes as well as a balanced aesthetic. The   darker, featuring walnut wood and beige and red shades. This creates a clear contrast
           differently sized “elongated spaces” structure the interiors and uses, functioning accor-  between the spaces inside and outside the newly inserted elements. The most complex
           ding to the room-in-room principle. Visible from the outside, they punctuate the original   elements was finding the shape of the café space, which integrates the granary’s existing
           buildings, enabling functional spaces that promote both interaction and retreat. Their  archway. Aligning it with the manor house, however, enabled me to create a coherent
           colours indicate their usage: light grey for public areas, medium grey for private spaces   relationship between the three manor buildings.

           034  •  AIT 3.2025
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