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             Die Methodik und die situative Farbraumanalyse hat Franziska Kocks anhand eines umfangreichen Buches dargelegt. • Franziska Kocks has explained the methodology and the situational colour-space analysis in a detailed book.

            I n the context of my bachelor thesis at Bergische Universität Wuppertal in the co-  lour design is also on increasing the contrasts of the threshold spaces; in addition,
                                                                          by changing this criterion the visibility of the entrances from a distance is improved.
              lour technology, design and surface technology course of study, I focused on the
            potentials of colour design and their space-defining possibilities in the context of
            urban issues. I was supervised by Professor Dr Johannes Busmann and Ulrich Seiss.  Colour-space analysis is the basis of a design tool
            To show the heterogeneity and the variety in design, I developed a method that
            draws on approaches in art, architecture and urban planning. I conducted this “si-  I was a general challenge to integrate the colour concept in a holistic urban colour
            tuational colour-space analysis” at the building Bergstrasse 50 in Wuppertal and de-  appearance. My thesis is therefore a prospect towards a reconsideration of the
            veloped it in the form of models, drawings and graphics. Entrances of a building are  topic of colour in the urban space since it makes the complexity and the link to
            one of the most important intersections between inside and outside and the analysis  space-defining disciplines clearer. Based on this, the insight was gained that the
            was thus focused on the external effect of these threshold spaces on the urban  application of colour should never be investigated separately. It is always closely
            space. To be better able to represent the perception, three locations in the surroun-  connected to all the research parameters such as here, for instance, the orientation
            ding streets are determined which makes it possible to concretely focus on the  in the urban space, the identification of the residents with the space, the aware-
            human perspective and the awareness of entrances. With an abstracted, interactive  ness of the architecture and, of course, the use of space. The resulting design ap-
            representation, the architectural language can thus be better read. The situational  proaches for the day- and night situation of the threshold spaces also broach the
            colour-space analysis allows finding approaches to a space, appropriating it and  issue of how the targeted use of colour spaces, the staging of surface structures or
            subsequently designing it in a responsible way. With the design tool, a flowing tran-  the careful handling of building stock can contribute to an identity-creating and
            sition was produced from the analysis to the practice of design. In the process, it tur-  clarifying kind of architecture. The results of my work can be seen as an incentive
            ned out that the ground in front of the building could also be used as a potentially  that is to inspire the awareness of how spaces can be designed and to stimulate
            colourable surface. Previous irritating boundaries of the entrance areas could thus  further consideration. It is a wish and a goal that colour design may early on be-
            be removed and affiliations of area, space and architecture newly defined. For a bet-  come part of the architectural and urban planning process so that the space-defi-
            ter orientation in the street space and an increased signal effect, the focus of the co-  ning potential can be further exploited.

            042 • AIT 3.2023
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