Page 4 - AIT0124_Brasilia
P. 4

Fotos: fotografieSCHAULIN

             Der Palacio de Itamaraty (9) mit archetypischen Bögen ... • The Palácio de Itamaraty (9) with archetypal arches ...  Die Catedral Metropolitana (11) mit hyperbolischer Form ... • The Catedral Metropolitana (11) ...

             ... und einer beeindruckenden Freitreppe im Innenraum. • ... and an impressive open staircase in the interior.   ... lässt zwischen 16 Betonsäulen den Himmel ins Innere. • ... lets the sky into the interior between 16 columns.

            B  rasília is located on a high plateau and can actually only be reached by dome-  r 9 a.m. - The Praça dos Três Poderes (1) unites the three branches of government at the
               stic flight. However, for architecture fans who dream of experiencing the legendary
                                                                          eastern end of the Eixo Monumental on an imposing open space measuring 120 by 220
             “samba modernism” live, there is no way around a weekend in the capital. A stroll   metres: the executive in the form of the presidential palace Palácio do Planalto (2), the
             through the city is like walking through an architectural guide – iconic buildings in the   judiciary in the form of the Supremo Tribunal Federal (3), the building of the Supreme
             centre are strung together like pearls on a string. Even more than six decades after their   Court, and the legislature, in the form of the Congreso Nacional (4), the seat of the
             construction, Oscar Niemeyer’s striking, sometimes organically curved, sometimes maje-  Brazilian government. The Palácio do Planalto is characterized by a rather unconventio-
             stically sublime and always casual and light-looking concrete buildings have lost none   nal transparency for government buildings of the time. The glass cuboid at its centre is
             of their fascination. Niemeyer himself, who died in 2012 shortly before his 105 birthday,   combined with white columns on its flanks that appear to be fanned out. They have the
             is known to have said: “You may or may not like this city, but you won’t be able to say   effect desired by Niemeyer, who saw the building as “light as a feather landing on the
             you’ve ever seen anything like it.”                          ground”. The almost mirror-like counterpart on the south side of the square, the Supre-
                                                                          mo Tribunal Federal, repeats the formal language of the presidential palace. Various
             Saturday: A walk through the centre of power                 sculptures and monuments also adorn the Square of the Three Powers, such as Pantéon
                                                                          y Pira (5), designed by Oscar Niemeyer in 1985.
             The history of Brasília began with President Juscelino Kubitschek. When he won the   r noon - The Museu Histórico de Brasília (6), also known as the Museu da Cidade, also
             elections in 1955, a new capital was finally to be built as a sign of a modern, better   by Niemeyer, aims to preserve the history of the capital’s construction. It is well worth
             future. Brasília was to give the country a new identity; and Oscar Niemeyer (1907-2012)   a visit; the historical photographs from the first “hot” construction phase in particular
             lived up to this claim with his architecture. The pioneer of Brazilian modernism designed   demonstrate the madness with which this built utopia took shape in just five years. Cri-
             the most important public buildings for the new capital. Niemeyer made the concrete  tical voices describe Brasília as cold and square – and indeed, the strict division into sec-
             “dance” and always maintained a balanced relationship between volume and free space   tors is not necessarily what is appreciated today in a people-friendly city. Starting from
             in a futuristic design language with curved contours, allowing them to come into their   the Square of the Three Powers, for example, all the ministries – including the Ministério
             own. This can be seen in the most important square in Brasília, where we begin our visit:  da Defesa (7) – are lined up along the monumental axis as massive faceless cabinets.

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