Page 4 - AIT0117_Boston
P. 4

Foto: Simone Hübener                     Foto: Matthias Bezler

                                                          Boston Public Library (21) 1888 von • by McKim, Mead and White  District Hall (24) 2014 von • by Hacin + Associates

                Foto: Nigel Young                        Foto: Matthias Bezle                     Foto: Dom Costa

                Museum of Fine Arts (19) 2010 von • by Foster + Partners  Institute of Contemporary Art (23) 2006 von • by Diller Scofidio + Renfro  Liberty Hotel (26) 2007 von • by Cambridge Seven Associates

                B   oston can be excellently explored on foot or, recently,  mented and Le Corbusier was able to convince with his  Before setting out for lunch and a major part of the after-
                    also by bicycle. It is possible here to comfortably
                                                         idea of a building where one is able to experience free-
                                                                                                  noon programme to the hip Seaport District, we take a
                stroll through small pedestrian zones and, while doing so,  dom and unlimited creativity. Right next to it are the  look at Bates Hall, the time-honoured reading hall of the
                discover architecture – historic as well as contemporary.  Harvard Art Museums (10), also consisting of an old buil-  Boston Public Library (21) from 1888. This is where we
                                                         ding with a brick façade and a new five-storey building by  fortify  ourselves  with  yet  another  cup  of  coffee  in  the
                Saturday: MIT and Harvard                Renzo Piano. Our next stop, the Harvard Science Center  Maproom Café adjacent to the historic building’s inner
                                                         (11), is a building from 1972 designed according to plans by  courtyard bordered by arcades.
                9 a.m. – We start the day at the Pavement Coffee House  Josep Lluís Sert and thus by the former dean of the  1.30 p.m. – Since, in Boston, the world makes its home
                (1) in Newbury Street. The small café is situated in the  Harvard Graduate School of Design.  The  Harvard  when it comes to culinary delights as well, Italian cuisine
                basement of a typical brownstone. These types of buil-  Graduate Center (12), commissioned in 1948 as the first  is today tasted in the Sportello (22) restaurant. Then we
                dings also accompany us on our way to Harvard Bridge  contemporary architecture on the campus, clearly bears  are off to  yet another museum, the  Institute of
                which leads us onto the campus of the elite MIT university  the signature of Walter Gropius. At the time, he had been  Contemporary Art (23) whose architecture, already due to
                which was founded in 1861. We start with the Media Lab  professor of architecture in Harvard. The architectural end  its location in a former harbour area, is completely diffe-
                (2) designed by Maki and Associates from Tokyo. The next  of this first day of the  weekend is the  Smith Campus  rent from what we have visited so far. The upper floors
                building makes it immediately obvious who was respon-  Center (13), known as the Holyoke Center.  project towards the water, the outside staircase below is
                sible for planning it: Frank Gehry. The  Ray and Maria  6.30 p.m. – Just a few steps next to it is the Harvard sub-  the perfect place for taking a break. In 2006, the first visi-
                Stata Center (3) was completed in 2004 and attracts  way station from which, after two stops, one reaches the  tors were able to inspect the building designed by Diller
                attention due to its colours and forms. A complete contrast  Commonwealth Restaurant (14) with its own market. The  Scofidio + Renfro. Much smaller but no less worth visiting
                to this is the MIT Chapel (4), which opened in 1955 and  Ames Boston (15) is recommended for spending the night.  is the District Hall (24) opened in 2014 and designed by
                was designed by Eero Saarinen, with its plain round main  It was opened in 2009 by the Rockwell Group in the city’s  Hacin + Associates.  The pavilion building  with a café,
                building and a completely closed exterior  wall.  Baker  first high-rise building. Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge desi-  workspaces, workshops and an event area is an innovati-
                House Dormitory (5) was designed by Alvar Aalto in 1946  gned the 14-storey office building in 1893. For those who  ve centre which young creative minds can use free of char-
                during the time when he was a professor at MIT. On the  are still bursting with energy, I recommend a detour to the  ge for working and establishing contacts. Before returning
                other  hand,  Simmons Hall (6), which  Steven  Holl  recently opened Haley.Henry Bar (16).  to the centre, we once again enjoy the view of the water
                Architects were commissioned to plan in 1999, does not                            from the outdoor area.
                really look homely when seen from the outside.  Sunday: Boston highlights         5 p.m. – Right in the centre of Boston is yet another buil-
                1.30 p.m. – For lunch, we go to Brookline Lunch (7) ope-                          ding in Brutalism style which is worth seeing: Boston City
                ned in 1937 where typical American food is being served.  9 a.m. – We start out in the Boston Back Bay, in the Flour  Hall (25), completed in 1968 according to plans by
                Afterwards, there is a choice of proceeding on foot, by ren-  Bakery (17). Just a few steps next to it, the John Hancock  Kallmann, McKinnell & Knowles 1968. That it is standing
                tal bike or by the subway towards Harvard  where the  Tower (18) by Pei Cobb Freed & Partners rises. To reach  in the same spot to this day is owed to a courageous citi-
                country’s oldest university is located. Since  Cambridge  the next stop, the Museum of Fine Arts (19), you either  zens’ initiative which prevented its demolition in 2006.
                Public Library (8) is on the way, we visit the ensemble of  walk down Huntington Avenue or take the subway to the  For ending the day, we now go to the Liberty Hotel (26),
                an building from 1889 and a building opened in 2009.   stop of the same name. The Art of the Americas wing of  a converted prison with a special atmosphere. In 2007, the
                3 p.m. –  No  more  than  one  building  was  constructed  this museum was constructed between 2005 and 2010  architects from the Cambridge Seven Associates office tur-
                according to plans by Le Corbusier in North America: the  according to plans by Foster + Partners. We continue on to  ned the building designed by Gridley James Fox Bryant in
                Carpenter Center for Visual Arts (9) completed in 1963.  the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (20), whose new  1851 into an elegant hotel with a spacious lobby, the Clink
                As happened in other places, here as well the discussions  building opened in 2012 was designed by Renzo Piano.  restaurant and the inviting Liberty Bar. The perfect place
                about modern architecture in a historic environment were  Inside and outside here interlock in a very attractive way  for reviewing the weekend over a good meal and freshly
                inevitable. Fortunately, in the end the project was imple-  and we take a little break in the highly frequented café.  mixed drinks in the bar later.

                                                                                                                             AIT 1/2.2017  •  045
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