Page 4 - AIT_Mediadaten_2024_en
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1. Cover: AIT – Architectur | Interior | Technical Solutions 5. Format: 235 mm wide x 310 mm high
2. Brief description: AIT – the big specialist journal for architects and interior 6. Volume: 131 volume 2024
designers attaches as an architecture magazine special
importance to space in the context of holistic architec- 7. Subscription price: annual subscription incl. VAT and postage
ture considerations to a greater extent than others. AIT Germany: 248.00 €
has a special competence in the field of interior design Annual subscription abroad: 262.00 €
and interior completion. Retail price per copy: 24,80 €
In addition to design, especially of commercial, industrial
and public buildings, AIT explicitly addresses technical 8. Organ: The AIT – ABIT is the official organ of the BDIA (Bund
building solutions under a special technical heading. Deutscher Innenarchitekten).
AIT is published in topic-based issues. For the members of the BDIA (Bund Deutscher Innen-
Three of these AIT main theme issues are published architekten), the BÖIA (Bund Österreichischer Innen-
as ABIT on the topics of office and administration architeken BÖIA), the VSI.ASAI. Vereinigung Schweizer
buildings, banks, insurances and authorities with an Innenarchitekten/ -architektinnen (Asso ciation Suisse
expanded editorial part on workplace design and fur- des Architectes d'Interieur, Associazione Svizzera degli
nishing. That way, ABIT allows an interesting addition Architetti d'Interni) and creative interior designer e.V.
to the target group. price included in the membership fee. The members
ABIT issues are published: April, October and December. of the ECIA European Council of Interior Architects in
Belgium, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Italy, the Nether-
3. Target group: The target group of AIT primarily comprises architects, lands, Norway and Sweden receive the AIT free of
interior designers, outfitters in the contract segment charge as part of their membership.
and planning offices. IVW data are available for further
information. 9. Membership: IVW
The extended target group of ABIT also includes building Media database of the German trade press
authorities, construction and planning departments as
well as outfitters in the contract segment and office
4. Publication frequency: 10 issues per year, two of them being AIT double issues