Page 125 - AIT1219_E-Paper
P. 125

Entwurf • Design plusoffice architects, BE-Brüssel
                                                                                        Bauherr • Client Stadt Kontich
                                                                                        Standort • Location BE-Kontich
                                                                                        Nutzfläche • Floor space 5.250 m 2
                                                                                        Fotos • Photos Dennis de Smet, BE-Gent
                                                                                        Mehr Infos auf Seite • More information on page 158

                                                                                        TOWN HALL

                                                                                        IN KONTICH

                                                                                        Administration is history! Customer service is the order
                                                                                        of the day! The renovated and extended town hall in
                                                                                        Kontich, Belgium, reflects this new self-conception also
                                                                                        with its architecture. plusoffice architects added structu-
                                                                                        res to the existing 1980s building that consciously be-
                                                                                        speak a different design vocabulary. Highlights are the
                                                                                        new public atrium and the council hall at the top.

                                                                                        T  he architects describe their design strategy as adaptive reuse.
                                                                                           With this concept, plusoffice succeeded not only in preparing the
                                                                                        town hall in Kontich, which dates back to the 1980s, for the future in
                                                                                        spatial and functional terms, but also in giving it a new spirit. One
                                                                                        thing was certain: the Kontich town hall needed more space. plusof-
                                                                                        fice  architects  therefore  supplemented  the  U-shaped  town  hall,
                Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan  Isometrie • Isometric        which was covered by small triangular gables, with precisely fitting
                                                                                        modules to create a compact and energy-efficient volume. The for-
                                                                                        merly external courtyard was thereby transformed into a light-floo-
                                                                                        ded inner courtyard with a glass roof. It accommodates the new ser-
                                                                                        vice centre of the town hall, which offers the more than 21,000 inha-
                                                                                        bitants of Kontich a broad range of services, including a photo booth.
                                                                                        The Brussels-based architects kept the interesting carcass character
                                                                                        of the old building with fair-faced brickwork as well as exposed rib-
                                                    Schnitt • Section                   bed concrete ceilings and technical installations. The high-quality
                                                                                        materials wood and terrazzo complement and contrast the bare ma-
                                                                                        teriality of the existing building. Interior doors and window frames
                                                                                        were – as an exquisite concession! – executed in the precious wood
                                                                                        species Afrormosia. The offices on the upper floors were designed as
                Grundriss 1. Obergeschoss • Floor plan level +1                         diverse, flexible workplaces to support the cooperation of the em-
                                                                                        ployees. Interesting visual connections are created across the inter-
                                                                                        nal courtyard and down into the service area. An eye-catching fea-
                                                                                        ture is an expanded metal façade, which clearly presents itself as a
                                                                                        new element with a deviating diagonal instead of a virtuous ortho-
                                                                                        gonal design. Above the old building, the council hall cantilevers out
                                                                                        over the town's central square. Due to its volume, it could not be in-
                                                                                        tegrated anywhere else. A stroke of luck! With floor-to-ceiling glazing
                                                                                        and, analogous to the internal courtyard, with a second envelope
                                                                                        made of white expanded metal, this large hall looks like a giant lan-
                                                                                        tern shining above the Gemeenteplein in the evening hours. Light on
                                                                                        or off? Whether and when the local council holds its meeting is cle-
                Grundriss 3. Obergeschoss •Floor plan level +3  Schnitt • Section       arly visible on the façade.
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