Page 50 - AIT1018_E-Paper
P. 50


                                                                             r Den Haag ist mit über einer halben Million Einwohnern die drittgrößte Stadt der
                                                                             Niederlande. Welche interessanten Seiten konnten Sie dort für sich entdecken?
                                                                             Auch wenn Den Haag anders als Amsterdam oder Utrecht nicht so sehr von Kanälen
                                                                             durchzogen ist, spielt Wasser in der Stadt eine große Rolle. Die malerische Altstadt
                                                                             besteht aus reizvollen Gässchen, hat  viele interessante Ecken und den ein oder
                                                                             anderen außergewöhnlichen Laden  zu bieten.  Zahlreiche Museen und historische
                                                                             Gebäude sorgen für ein ausgewogenes Kulturprogramm. Als sehr besonders empfand
                                                                             ich die Nähe zum Strand, was mitunter sicherlich an meiner Herkunft aus dem bergi-
                                                                             gen Schwarzwald liegt. Es gibt nichts Entspannteres als an einem Sonntagvormittag
                                                                             spontan mit dem Fahrrad durch den Dünenpark zu fahren und sich den Nordseewind
                                                                             um die Nase wehen zu lassen.

                                                                             M   rs Wehrle, you are studying architecture at the University of Stuttgart. In
                                                                                 the context of the so-called international module,  you spent the sixth
                                                                             semester as a trainee at Atelier Pro in The Hague. What made you choose pre-
                                                                             cisely this architectural office?
                                                                             In an exhibition of the international module at the university, each year numerous
                                                                             students tell about their experiences abroad. I got enthusiastic about several contri-
                                                                             butions regarding Atelier Pro. With idyllic pictures of the office, surrounded by green-
                                                                             ery, a very family-like working atmosphere was described. The relaxed interaction
                                                                             and the strong commitment of the office to the social sector particularly attracted
                                                                             me. After a few months as a trainee at Atelier Pro, I can certainly confirm these first
                                                                             impressions. Designs and concepts with a strong social aspect have always been
                                                                             very interesting to me.

                                                                             Over 45 public buildings published on the homepage, 59 projects of educational
                                                                             and 18 of healthcare buildings indeed underpin the office’s major focus on pub-
                                                                             lic-social and user-oriented architecture. Is this also reflected in the discussions
                                                                             in the office?
                                                                             Yes, the public-social orientation of the office is also clearly felt during the daily rou-
                                                                             tine. Not only are projects every week discussed with the entire group but in the
                                                                             design process it is also repeatedly though about how and what serves the users and
               Britische Schule in Amsterdam, Baubeginn 2019 • British School of Amsterdam, start of construction 2019  whether the design conforms to the respective criteria.

               Rudolf Steiner College Haarlem, Baubeginn 2019 • Rudolf Steiner College Haarlem, start of construction 2019  Atelier Pro looks back on more than 30 years of experience as an office. How
                                                                             many employees does the office have today and what are the structures like?
                                                                             The Pro team consists of a total of 43 employees. The bosses, Dorte Kristensen,
                                                                             Creative Director, and Ernst Jan Cornelis, Financial Director, are, as their titles indi-
                                                                             cate, specializing in specific sectors. Among the employees as well, there is a wide
                                                                             variety of remits distributed over the many architectural departments of the Atelier,
                                                                             such as the technical department, the office of interior design, the administration as
                                                                             well as designers and architects. There is an extremely open and friendly, almost
                                                                             family-like atmosphere and a very flat hierarchy. The bosses sometimes like to chat
                                                                             at length with the international trainees while waiting together for their coffees.

                                                                             Which tasks were you allowed to share as a trainee and which are the require-
                                                                             ments for working at Atelier Pro?
                                                                             Mastering the English language is of course a prerequisite for the international
                                                                             traineeship even if it is no problem should not to know a specific term when dis-
               Pantarijn Shri Krishna Grundschule Utrecht, 1. Preis Wettbewerb 2017 • Pantarijn Shri Krishna primary school
                                                                             cussing a design. It is also very much appreciated if one tries to learn a few sen-
                                                                             tences in Dutch. Before starting the traineeship, I had no experience with the Revit
                                                                             CAD programme used in the office. It made the start a big difficult but, in retrospec-
                                                                             tive, I am glad to be familiar with yet another drawing programme. At first, I was
                                                                             working on a wide range of projects by correcting drawings, dealing with Photoshop
                                                                             tasks or building models. After a while, I was given more responsibility. I contributed
                                                                             to a project of interior design and was working long-term on a school project in
                                                                             Luxemburg which will be the first to combine a special- with a primary school and
                                                                             a day-care centre. I last worked on a public tender competition for a library where I
                                                                             was allowed to assist one to two project architects. From the very beginning, I was
                                                                             always asked for my opinion and it was taken seriously so that dynamic and pleas-
                                                                             ant team work developed. Not only did I have the impression that my collaboration
                                                                             was appreciated but that it was also the focus of the Pro team to generate a future-
                                                                             oriented learning effect for the trainees.

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