Page 158 - AIT0918_E-Paper
P. 158


                                                                             T  he task for the Düsseldorf RKW Architektur + architectural office was not easy:
                                                                                In the middle of the centre of the city of Rheine with 75,000 inhabitants, a
                                                                             modern shopping centre was to complement the traditional variety of products in
                                                                             the adjacent retail stores. Sustainability and energy efficiency had top priority. Not
                                                                             least, the factor of closeness to nature was also decisive: the Ems River bordering
                                                                             became the name giver and gives the restaurant operators in the Emsgalerie uni-
                                                                             que options of welcoming guests on the river bank. The Ems is also present as to
                                                                             colour and form in the specifically designed ceiling triptych by the Dutch artist
                                                                             Margriet Smulders below the glass roof. However, before the red ribbon could be
                                                                             cut for the opening in September 2016, the architects and their specialist planners
                                                                             as  well as the municipal actors and not last the operator, Hermann Klaas
                                                                             Projektentwicklung GmbH, first had to solve the question of what a modern shop-
                                                                             ping centre with the latest energy-efficient technology in the middle of a historically
                                                                             grown district was to look like.

                                                                             More energy efficiency with an overall solution from one source

                                                                             While the objective of “closeness to nature” was achieved with living trees and
                                                                             plenty of green at the shop arcades inside as well as with the restaurant facilities
                                                                             on the Ems river bank, when it came to sustainability and energy efficiency, a
                                                                             sophisticated, modern overall solution for the building management had to be
                                                                             found since, due to their size and openness, department stores and shopping cen-
                                                                             tres have special requirements as to the building management and building auto-
                                                                             mation: Extensive, open sales areas combined with long, connecting passages as
                                                                             well as fluctuating visitor numbers call for a maximal flexible system. Only with
                                                                             correspondingly intelligent control is it possible to optimally coordinate air condi-
                                                                             tioning, lighting and, not least, energy distribution. Josef Rehms GmbH was com-
                                                                             missioned with the implementation of the concept for the desired overall solution.
                                                                             The Borken company is one of the leading suppliers in the field of technical buil-
                                                                             ding equipment in the region. For complex overall solutions such as the one in
                                                                             Rheine, the team headed by Bernhard Lukas favours products by Schneider
                                                                             Electric. Thus the complete low-voltage distribution with the total electrotechnical
                                                                             equipment came from one source. “In the case of a major project such as the
                                                                             Emsgalerie, it was necessary to achieve an optimum level of integration of the indi-
               Die Einbindung der Emsgalerie in die Stadt als auch in ... • The integration of the Emsgalerie into the city ...  vidual trades involved in the construction and this without any additional costs.
                                                                             For us, it was thus important to rely on a comprehensive product range by one
                                                                             manufacturer. That is exactly what Schneider Electric offered us”, Bernhard Lukas
                                                                             emphasizes. “With the technical know-how we gained in the context of a Schneider
                                                                             Electric partner programme, we were then able to use the necessary components
                                                                             in such a way that an optimum as to function and integration could be achieved”,
                                                                             Lukas continues.

                                                                             Intelligent energy management benefits everyone

                                                                             For the building management, the complete rental areas were equipped with a
                                                                             large number of sensors as well as with about 150 energy metres. With these, all
               ... den angrenzenden Naturraum darf als gelungen gelten. • ... and the natural environment was successful.
                                                                             the relevant measurement data are recorded around the clock – for instance energy
                                                                             consumption, air quality or temperatures. Communication of the system compo-
                                                                             nents is always standardized and done exclusively via standard bus protocols such
                                                                             as KNX. Particularly with a view to sustainability in rented properties, the integra-
                                                                             ted components by Schneider Electric offer completely new possibilities: The use
                                                                             of sensors and energy metres is scalable and they are intelligently networked and
                                                                             directly integrated in the building control system and corresponding energy-
                                                                             management software. With this software,  electricity consumption right to the
                                                                             smallest consumer can be exactly traced and underused energy-saving potentials
                                                                             can be made transparent. This possibility of detecting potential decreases of ope-
                                                                             rating costs for all the renters while offering individual lighting concepts for the pro-
                                                                             ducts is a definite competition advantage for investors and operators. Detailed
                                                                             reporting on the daily and  yearly consumption also provides a comprehensive
                                                                             basis of decision-making for mid- and long-term energy-relevant strategies as well
                                                                             as energy audits. Potential energy savings can then be visualized on the table per
                                                                             web interface via a secure network. Ultimately, customers and employees equally
                                                                             profit from an optimized shopping experience.

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