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                                                                                                 World. The ss Rotterdam is berthed at the quay of Katen -
                                                                                                 drecht as a reminder and serves as a mu seum- and hotel
                                                                                                 ship. The shipping-company building from 1901 exudes
                                                                                                 the glamour of past days. There is a large selection of fish
                                                                                                 and seafood and it is highly recommended. Enjoy!
                                                                                                 10 p.m. – Energized, we now proceed to De Rotterdam
                                                                                                 (11) completed in 2013 according to a design by Rem Kool -
                                                                                                 haas. Three towers contain a vertical city with offi ces,
                                                                                                 apartments and a hotel. We ride up to the roof terrace of
                                                                                                 the nhow hotel with a view of the city – the perfect place
                                                                                                 to end the evening while drinking a cocktail. And if you
                                                                                                 have booked a room here, it is not far to your bed.

                                                                                                 Sunday: art, design and fashion

                                                                                                 10 a.m. – We return to the city for breakfast. Either by
                                                                                                 water taxi or on foot across the Erasmus Bridge with a
                                                                                                 length of 800 metres which was constructed in 1996 as a
                                                                                                 cable-stayed bridge according to plans by Ben van Berkel
                                                                                                 and Caroline Bos. We first head for the west part of the
                                                                                                 city. Here the mix of the old and the new is also conside-
               Foto: Jeroen Musch                                                                rable  yet  on  a  smaller  scale  than  in  the  city  centre.

                                                                                                 Nieuwe Binnenweg above all is lined with boutiques, de -
                                                                                                 bar (12), those in the know order UEB Blend coffee.
               Kunsthal (15) 1992 von • by OMA                                                   sign studios and cafés. I recommend the Urban espresso
                                                                                                 11.30 a.m. – Before returning to the centre,  we stroll
               T   he decision to gain professional experience in Rotter -  12.30 p.m. – We go for lunch to the Dudok (5) restaurant  through the colourful district. In doing so, we pass the
                                                        at the Delftsevaart canal. Willem Marinus Dudok desi-
                                                                                                 PLEK (13) concept  store  which  has  unusual  brands  of
                   dam after studying was one of my best. Well-known
               Dutch architects are represented here as much as interna-  gned the building in 1952. It reflects the style of this signi-  fashion and design objects – a treasure trove for presents.
               tional big names and additional ones are continuously  ficant Dutch architect, a mixture of Amsterdam School  Have  a  look  at  Hartman  afterwards,  one  of  the  city’s
               being added since the city is still far from completed. And  and Frank Lloyd  Wright. Besides the architecture, the  oldest furniture stores.
               the residents use the opportunity to eagerly participate in  Dudok is known for its good food and the best desserts  1 p.m. – We continue on to the Het Nieuwe Instituut (14)
               the development process. Inspiring interim uses are crea-  in the city. Definitely do not miss out on the apple pie!  museum in the Museumpark. Joe Coenen designed it as
               ted, events are organized and pop-up initiatives started. I  1.30 p.m. – After this culinary delight, we stroll on along  the Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAI) in 1993. Since
               could currently not imagine a better place to live.  the canal to the Blokker Building (6) in Hoogstraat. The  2013, this has been where the institutes for design, fa shion
                                                        department store  was designed in the 1950s by  and the new media are also located. The ticket for the
               Saturday: city centre and port area      Kraaijvanger Architects and renovated until 2010. It was  museum  also  gives you  access  to  Huis  Sonneveld  next
                                                        one of  the first projects in  which I participated  as an  door. The guided tours there are always highly informative
               9 a.m. – We get a coffee at Lebkov & Sons, plus excellent  architect. One of the objectives was to restore the striking  and inspiring. The residential building designed in 1933 by
               service and a magnificent view. Through the high glass  decorative elements of the façade.   Brinkman en Van der Vlugt is one of the best-conserved
               windows, one looks out at the asymmetrical roof of our  2 p.m. – One of the latest additions is the Markthal (7)  examples of New Objectivity in Rotterdam. The ar chitects
               main station (1) completed in 2014 by Ben them Crou wel  completed in  2014 according to plans  by MVRDV.  also designed the interiors for the director of the Van Nelle
               Architecten and impressively welcoming travellers.  Opposite it, on the other side of the market square, the  factory in Schiedam which is also worth a visit. In addition
               10 a.m. – Across the station square, we continue towards  Kubuswoningen designed by Piet Blom are located –  to numerous installations, they designed several luminai-
               the  Westersingle canal. On the  way,  we pass the  some of the most unusual residential buildings to be  res for the residence of Albertus Sonneveld.
               Groothandelsgebouw (2), the first example of the multi-  found. After the hustle and bustle of the market we walk  4 p.m. – A further architectural icon is also found here:
               faceted Rotterdam post-war modernism. Designed in  on to the Het Steiger St Dominicus Church (8) designed  the Kunsthal Rotterdam (15), likewise a design by Rem
               1953 by the architects Maaskant and Van Tijen, it is the  by Kraaijvanger Architects in 1959. An impressive exam-  Koolhaas. On the way there, we pass the Boijmans van
               first office building with various companies under one  ple of modern eclecticism  where traditional elements  Beuningen (16) art museum from 1935.  The Kunsthal,
               roof. On we go to the De Doelen concert hall (3). The buil-  and modern construction techniques were combined –  opened in 1992, impresses  with the innovative use of
               ding, completely destroyed during the war, was replaced  for me, one of the most beautiful spots in Rotterdam.  materials and the different heights overcome with ramps
               by Kraaijvanger Architects, my employers, in 1966. Our  4 p.m. – We leave the city centre behind and take the  outside as well as. Apart from the architecture, the well-
               office is opposite it. You are welcome to come upstairs  underground, tram or water taxi to the other side of the  curated exhibitions are always worth seeing.
               and have coffee; however, we avoid working at week-  Nieuwe Maas to the Katendrecht peninsula. For a long  6 p.m. – The Het Park was laid out in the 1980s. In the
               ends. At the end of the canal, we turn left into Lijnbaan,  time, the former seamen’s district had been a social hot-  summer, people meet here after work and at the week-
               the first car-free pedestrian  zone in the  whole  world  spot and, since 2007, it has been part of the city renova-  end. In the background, you can see the Euromast (17)
               which, in 1953, was designed as a new way of shopping  tion. In an old warehouse, the Fenix Food Factory (9)  tower designed in 1960 by Huig Maaskant for the interna-
               by Van den Broek en Bakema.              offers all kinds of restaurants.  With a beer by Kaapse  tional Floriade garden show. It is the highest  viewing
               Noon – On the way to the Timmerhuis (4) residential and  Brouwers, we enjoy the view of the skyline from the quay.  tower in the Netherlands.
               administrative building, which OMA completed in 2015  7 p.m. – Across the Rijnhavenbrug pedestrian bridge, we  7 p.m. – We walk along the river Maas to my favourite
               as an extension of the city administration, we pass city  arrive on the Kop van Zuid peninsula and at the Hotel  restaurant: La Pizza (18). Order a plate of antipasti and
               hall. The building constructed in 1920 according to plans  New York (10) which opened its gates about 25 years ago  the daily special and experience the best Italian cuisine
               by Henri Evers is one of the few to have survived the  at the former headquarters of the Holland-America Lijn.  has to offer. With a glass of wine we thus conclude the
               bombings in May 1940. The garden in the courtyard is  Until the 20th century, it was from here that thousands of  weekend in Rotterdam where there is still so much more
               open to the public and perfect for a break.  people set out with the hope for a better life in the New  to discover.

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