Page 47 - AIT0619_E-Paper
P. 47

Homes (2016–)
                                                                                von • by Ana Popescu, Wien


                                                                              Ana Popescu is a visual artist and illustrator and mainly

                                                                              works with drawings and acrylic paints on paper. She was
                                                                              born in Romania, grew up in France, and moved to Vienna

                                                                              in 2008, where she studied printed graphics and drawing at

                                                                              the University of Applied Arts under Professor Jan Svenungs-

                                                                              son. She graduated with distinction in 2013. Since 2009, she

                                                                              has participated in various group exhibitions - such as the

                                                                              annual exhibitions of her university and in museums and

                                                                              galleries in Tokyo, Shanghai, London, New York, and Vi-

                                                                              enna. Since 2015, her work has also been shown in solo ex-

                                                                              hibitions, e.g.  at  Belvedere  21,  Vienna,  at  the  Ravnikar

                                                                              Gallery Space, Ljubljana, and in Bergen, Norway. Her work

                                                                              has been published in Architectural Digest, Selected Eu-

                                                                              rope, and Printed Pages, amongst others. In this issue, we

                                                                              feature three  works of Ana Popescu's  Homes cycle, on

                                                                              pages 008/009, 046/047, and 070/071. Homes is a series of

                                                                              acrylic paintings on paper that explore a utopian approach

                                                                              to the concept of "home". Exaggerated colours, distorted

                                                                              perspectives, and the emptiness of the living spaces and

                                                                              their surroundings indicate a break with reality. The de-

                                                                              picted spaces are detached from all subjective memories or

                                                                              characteristics of a real living environment. The perspec-

                                                                              tives are components of new – other – rooms. Last but not
                                                                              least, the Homes series is also a commentary on the villas

                                                                              and residential buildings of mid-century modernism in Los

                                                                              Angeles and Palm Springs.
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