Page 73 - AIT0524_E-Paper
P. 73

Entwurf • Design bernardo bader architekten, AT-Bregenz
                                                                                    Bauherr • Client Marktgemeinde Egg, AT-Egg
                                                                                    Standort • Location Loco 602, AT-Egg
                                                                                    Nutzfläche • Floor space 2000 m 2
                                                                                    Fotos • Photos Adolf Bereuter, AT-Dornbirn
                                                                                    Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 126

                                                                                    KINDERHAUS IM PARK

                                                                                    IN EGG

                                                                                    The rooms of our childhood are inscribed in our memo-
                                                                                    ries. Here, in the centre of the largest community in the
                                                                                    Bregenzerwald, bernardo bader architekten have sensi-
                                                                                    tively placed six “little houses” next to each other. The
                                                                                    result is a village universe in the centre of the village, a
                                                                                    second home for the very youngest and also an unmista-
                                                                                    kable spatial symbol of the world of the child.

                                                                                    S  ix gables line up strikingly along the Schmiedebach brook – just
                                                                                       one of the rivers that run through Egg – and form a clear spati-
                                                                                    al edge towards the northern part of the village while adopting the
             Lageplan • Site view                                                   architectural typology of the village. To the south of the building is the
                                                                                    protected natural play garden, which is visually closely linked to the
                                                                                    individual group rooms. The approach road along the brook provides
                                                                                    access to the agricultural land behind and to the parking garage in the
                                                                                    basement, on which the children’s house sits in solid timber construc-
                                                                                    tion. Just a few steps away from the village centre, a spacious fore-
                                                                                    court leads directly over the head into the heart of the house. Along
                                                                                    the inner “village street”, the bright and spacious group- and creative
                                                                                    rooms, which are up to six metres high, including the adjoining rooms
                                                                                    and the centrally located “marketplace”, are lined up – open and, at
                                                                                    the same time, promising a sense of security. This single-storey timber
                                                                                    construction, prefabricated in parts, nestles into the landscape like a
                                                                                    delicate, elongated caterpillar, while remaining flexible and adapting
                                                                                    to the specific needs of the children. There is space for protection and
                                                                                    peace, as well as room for freedom and adventure. The world of the
                                                                                    little ones connects with the village community via the front rooms,
            Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan                               whereas the exercise- and dining room can be used by local clubs and
                                                                                    groups outside of opening hours. This means that even the grown-ups
                                                                                    can enjoy this particularly cosy, light and warm atmosphere from time
                                                                                    to time. The same material is used throughout the rooms. The walls
                                                                                    and ceilings are clad in silver-fir wood, while wooden floorboards
                                                                                    or clay-casein flooring were used for the floors. Like big, curious
                                                                                    children’s eyes, the circular glazing looks out from the group rooms
                                                                                    into the inner village life. The view into the “group life” is also desi-
                                                                                    red and intended. The implementation of the pedagogical concept in
                                                                                    space seems to have been successful – here is a quote from the con-
                                                                                    cept: “The Bienenhaus should be a place of encounters where people
                                                                                    feel welcome and comfortable regardless of their origin, social status
             Längsschnitt • Longitudinal section                                    and family form.” And they do!

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